Theory: Jim is a kleptomaniac when it comes to joke thievery

14  2018-09-20 by lawyerherelistenup

Jim recently admitted that when he goes on Rogan he leaves the room when they smoke weed, because he does not want to be tempted.

Jim’s substance abuse issues are so severe that he feels any exposure at all will leave to him relapsing and returning to the devil’s salad.

Jim has also long-time maintained that he almost never watches another comedian’s performance or specials (although he still somehow knows that every single comedian is a “very funny comedian”).

Based on Jim’s refusal to expose himself to other comics’ material in the same way he avoids substances, it’s fair to say he knows he has a joke thievery issue and feels the only way to curb it is to avoid all exposure.

Jim admits he used to listen to Jerky Boys. But maybe he didn’t want to steal it. Maybe he had to steal it because he couldn’t help himself.


it reminds me of when that Wynona Rider CUNT ratted out our savior Mel for calling her an oven dodger. SHE was the one who had millions but couldn't help but steal from innocent retailers, yet SHE had the audacity to call out HIM for calling her a filthy stinking JEW.""

And that's the problem with society.

When Mel called her an oven dodger did she ever take an introspective look at herself and ask what type of behavior SHE was engaging in for Mel to chime in with a little constructive criticism? Maybe if she wasn't so self absorbed maybe she would have realized Mel was only trying to help.

That's what I'm saying!

“A jewess and her sheckels are not easily parted” -an ancient Gibsonian proverb

I came to the same conclusion when we had verifiable proof that Jim 100 percent stole his Chip character from the Jerky Boys. I don't know if Jim did it consciously, but it is certainly stolen one way or another. The 60K fewchatiff really can't help himself from being a thief.

We as a group really need to call non stop to his piece of shit show and just harass him about joke thieving until he cries.

It makes a lot of sense. Jim probably doesn't even realize consciously that he is a comedy succubus.

Don't forget that he stole most of his insults and mannerisms from our lord and savior, Colin Quinn.

Shut up, stupid!

I still think he got a lot of his stories from meetings and people confessing fucked up shit.

Given how 'sacred' most addicts hold those type of things they won't risk exposing it by saying outright he stole that from someone else in a meeting. By saying they witnessed it that is them breaking a rule of those meetings 'naming names' while admitting they go to them as well. Its like stealing form a drug dealer.