Another Public Proud Boy Beating

46  2018-09-20 by Virginia_Beach


Meathead faggot deserves it, love his face when dude rips his shirt off and realizes he’s gotta walk around with those fat milky tits out for the rest of the night.

He must've thought it was Proud Boy Day. It ain't Proud Boy Day, is it?

Nah man. It ain't Proud Boy Day.

I enjoyed this because this is exactly what it would look like if Joe attempted to fight anyone. Titties flapping away like he’s trying to take off. His domesticated harpy attempting to join the fray.

Why would you get start a fight if you don't know how to defend yourself? Betting the other guy is a bigger pussy is a bad bet to take

9/10 times you can do the tough guy, chest-puffing act and intimidate the other person into walking away.

But, when you get called out on your bullshit, this is what happens.

I thought proudboys are not supposed to wear sandals??

okay so a guy walking with his girlfriend got assaulted cause he wore a polo shirt a communist didn't like?

No, dummy. The guy got his ass beat because he flicked a cigarette at the guys face. Your inability to identify cause and effect is astounding.

the only people worse than proud boys are the fags who get really angry about proud boys.

Nice deflection. I'm nowhere near angry, but again, rather astounded by your inability to decipher the cause and effect in a situation. See, you claimed the guy got assaulted because he was wearing a polo shirt, but anyone who watched the video knows that is not a factual statement because the fight was started by the Proud Boy who flicked a cigarette into another man's face.

calm down spaz


you fucking retards can't even comprehend the point i was making, nobody is confused about what started the fight, it was about whether or not the guy is a proud boy because some faggot on the street decided someone had the wrong shirt on.

Traingle is a dumb faggot who loves conspiracy theories and trump

This guy can be alt right as much as his little heart desires, but flicking a cigarette into someone’s face?

that's the point, is he alt right cause hes wearing a polo shirt? cause otherwise it's just a random fight video that nobody should give a fuck about

If he wasn't, you'd think the natural response to "fuckin Nazi, do you know what that shirt means?" would be something like "no I'm not a Nazi, you cunt" or "no, I don't know what the fuck are you're talking about." Not tepidly looking around before throwing a cigarette.

Yeah if someone on the street yells at me about being a Nazi and I have the wrong shirt on, I definitely stop to engage with them and plead my case.

Yeah, and "normal people" don't typically respond to false accusations of Nazism by throwing a cigarette at their accuser's head. What would you do, keep your head down and silently avoid eye contact as you rush your date out of there?

Yeah, and "normal people" don't typically respond to false allegations of Nazism by tossing a cigarette at their accuser's head

It's a pretty dismissive gesture, it's 10x more normal than standing there and engaging with them. It's one step above "fuck you" which is the truly only reasonable thing to do, but in your mind flicking a cigarette at a guy yelling at you is... totally agreeing with what they are yelling at you.

No shit it's a dismissive gesture. and it resulted in his baloney tits getting dismissed from his shirt. That counts as "standing there and engaging them" too, dummy.

in your mind flicking a cigarette at a guy yelling at you is... totally agreeing with what they are yelling at you.

You'll notice Ant's never responded to the grooming allegations with something like "that's outrageous, I would never do that!" If someone has a completely out-of-nowhere accusation unexpectedly leveled against them, the natural reaction is a degree of indignation/puzzlement. I hate Antifa, but let's not act like this mustache cunt just innocently happened to wear that shirt for date night, completely unaware of what the Proud Boys are.

No shit it's a dismissive gesture. and it resulted in his baloney tits getting dismissed from his shirt. That counts as "standing there and engaging them" too, dummy.

So you think flicking a cigarette is the same as engaging them in conversation, you total moron? Here's the thing: if he were actually a Proud Boy, he would do something autistically embarrassing as what you're saying he should have done. He would definitely have had some sort of canned Western Chauvinist speech.

See, that's what you morons don't understand: I'm not arguing that he started a fight by flicking a cigarette, I was calling into question whether he was a Proud Boy, because that's literally the only reason it was posted here. Linking to Raw Story, which is precisely the sort of retarded site that would just make shit up or run with any bullshit story they decide to.

If someone has a completely out-of-nowhere accusation unexpectedly leveled against them, the natural reaction is a degree of indignation/puzzlement.

Yeah, the indignation was him pausing and thinking about it. He didn't launch into an attack. By the way, Ant has repeatedly denied the allegations that he is a child groomer, even though he is. He's actually said precisely what you claim he never said. Ant has nothing to do with it, because pedophiles and non pedophiles alike would deny being a pedophile. Criminals say they're innocent too, so claiming innocence is not evidence of being a criminal.

I hate Antifa, but let's not act like this mustache cunt just innocently happened to wear that shirt for date night, not even aware of what the Proud Boys are.

So you think it's more likely that he wore a tactically political shirt on date night. Is that what happens? People intentionally go to violent protests with their girlfriends holding hands? Listen to yourself dude, you sound fucking insane right now.

Alright BroJoe, calm down with the thesis-writing.

If someone calls me a pedophile on the street, I may tell them to fuck off,

That's what I'm referring to, not "engaging them in conversation."

if he were actually a Proud Boy, he would ... definitely have had some sort of canned Western Chauvinist speech

Because they have the same self-confidence to do that alone and outnumbered as they do in groups? I didn't think naming cereals while getting punch prepared you for that.

He's actually said precisely what you claim he never said

“I have zero record of bedding underage girls.” Certainly clear and unambiguous.

So you think it's more likely that he wore a tactically political shirt on date night. Is that what happens?

If the cigarette-flick is any indication, dummy doesn't think thru the consequences of his actions very well.

Fuck maybe he is a Proud Boy, but there's no evidence of that here

The shirt combined with the circa-1985 gay mustache makes me feel perfectly comfortable profiling him.

exactly, dude should have moved on and chuckled to his about the smelly hippies

Proud Boys aren’t alt right. They are civil nationalist queers.

No retard, he flicked a lot cigarette in his face. You're displaying a very Nana-esque inability to handle facts.

sorry I cant "handle facts" in the dumbest thread of all time

Did you watch the video?

are there facts in it? i have a hard time handling them

Y'know, the whole sarcastically admitting fault bit only works when you're actually right, dum dum.

thanks for the reddit tip faggot

It's not a reddit tip you dumb cunt, it's basic communication.

you're the dumb fucking faggot who couldn't understand my original point.

Morning sunshine! Go on then, educate a dummy.

There was no confusion about what started the fight. I was rhetorically asking if we are believing Raw Story Dot Com about whether or not he was a proud boy because he wore a polo shirt while clearly on an outing with a girlfriend. His reaction of flicking a cigarette while being called a nazi is not indicative of proud boy behavior, if he were one he would have a big autistic speech and would have engaged with the guy verbally. So we are assuming this guy is a guy we dont like cause some communist fag didn't like his shirt and accosted him in the street? Its fucking retarded, and the fact that you assume I didn't watch it cause I didn't make the same assumptions of some antifa queer makes you fucking retarded as well.

That's a lot of ifs and maybes dude. I went off what I saw and heard. Your theory seems too complex to be realistic to me.

Theres no ifs and maybes. My whole point is people like you are making assumptions. You heard and saw a man get into a fight on the street, the proud boy angle is completely assumed based on nothing. It's funny how you were on the side of "facts" but now you have nothing to defend your gay ass assumption backed up by antifa fags.

It's quite amazing how you've convinced yourself of your objectivity. You are making assumptions, I probably am too but I'm not conjuring up a fucking essay on what might have happened. I don't give a fuck if he's a proud boy, he certainly shouldn't get punched in the face over it. It's what he did in the video that I base my judgement on. Read what you wrote, there's at least one if in there.

Holy fuck man, r u like this in real life? There’s no way u have any friends

you sound like a guy who definitely has a lot of friends.

Nice comeback.

nice "um, you must be fun at parties" comment you dumb woman.

Says the guy who gave me the “I know u r but what am I” Whata faggot

No I was pointing out how retarded it is to play a popularity contest on this sub. So good job with your inane womanly comment.

Do u not understand that ur acting like a complete fool? I was just trying to point that out to u, kindly. Now please go be mentally unstable somewhere else

wow you need to get laid dude

I’ve been dating the same woman for 5 years. We have sex. If anyone reads what you’ve wrote in this post I’m sure they would all come to the conclusion that ur the retard here.

Lol JBPs little fanboi would have this take.

i love meeting chapofags in the wild who dunk on themselves with their gay ass jordan peterson obsession

You're in luck then, buddy.

Seriously, I don't get it. 99.9% of the country has no idea that Proud Boys wear a specific shirt. This dude likely had no idea what Joe Dirt was talking about.

subscribed. thanks.

Proud boys are still a thing??

Has there ever been a news story about a Proud Boy winning a fight? Guess knowing a lot about cereal doesn’t mean you know a lot about fighting.

You didn't see the one where the dude wound up like Popeye and uncorked one on some ANTIFA fag, knocking him out cold?

He should have swung on that skinny cunt next to him too

Girls get to punch with impunity at these things. Remember that one video where the guy punched a girl after she swung on him like three times? Twitter celebrities doxxed the shit out of him and he got death threats and fired from his job.

Or hugged some love back into her then fill her hole

He knocked the dude into Terri Shciavo status.

Two fat idiots who punch as slow as Big A speaks.

Can someone edit in that rad song

im not turning my ad block off for this gay site as appealing as the title is

Brah brah brah. Awww shheeeit. Shut up you dumb ape, let me enjoy the nazi proud boy getting beaten without your black babble narrating it

using the term nazi unironically

You are a faggot.

You are a faggot.

That’s right. Since it’s no longer 1943, no one can ever be called a nazi in simple passing. We have 1,000 different labels for every methhead biker gang member who’s done time in county jail with a swastika tattoo attending the richard spencer rally, but it’s up you and other faggots online who think SJWs vs alt right pepe memes on twitter battling over free speech is the real struggle. Shut the fuck up.

Holy shit you are serious aren't you? The guy in the video is totally a nazi and not just a faggot, you are right.

It’s almost as if This. So much this.

No shirt, no shoes, no dignity at the end.

I like the part where he rearranges what's left of his shirt into a stylish Miss America sash.

Hey Earl, we gotta any Ron and Ron T shirts in the back?

Fresh out boss

All i took from that video is that i really hate niggers

Man. So, some MDE subreddit gets shutdown, We fear they'll camp here on O&A. The O&A response then was to become Left leaning now? We are posting links to videos on faggy antifa Hillary supporting websites? I'd claim to be a proud boy way before Id claim to be left.

Just ignore the faggots and they will go away.

I think it is more an anti Gavin post than anything. Although I personally think he is funny than he gets credit for because people take him too seriously.

Sir, I'm not sure what group you're thinking of, but the proud boys are a gay pride organization who's founder is a known faggot

Has nothing to do with politics. It’s grown men acting like fags thinking they are some unique, fraternal dudes who love cereal.

I keep hearing about cerial. I don't understand all the proud boy stuff. What I see is a dude standing up to a GROUP of twats that are harassing him. Would they talk shit to someone in a Malcom X hat???

It's a video of a douchebag being humiliated like the fat slob he is. He flicked a fag in the other dudes face, that's why he got roughed up.

This is what happens when Hawk and Roland spot a tub of mayo at the same time

This is the kind of faggotry you've attracted with your war on Nana, dumb mutts.

I really hate Gavin for ruining my favorite color Fred Perry shirt.

If he wasn't, you'd think the natural response to "fuckin Nazi, do you know what that shirt means?" would be something like "no I'm not a Nazi, you cunt" or "no, I don't know what the fuck are you're talking about." Not tepidly looking around before throwing a cigarette.

Do u not understand that ur acting like a complete fool? I was just trying to point that out to u, kindly. Now please go be mentally unstable somewhere else

There was no confusion about what started the fight. I was rhetorically asking if we are believing Raw Story Dot Com about whether or not he was a proud boy because he wore a polo shirt while clearly on an outing with a girlfriend. His reaction of flicking a cigarette while being called a nazi is not indicative of proud boy behavior, if he were one he would have a big autistic speech and would have engaged with the guy verbally. So we are assuming this guy is a guy we dont like cause some communist fag didn't like his shirt and accosted him in the street? Its fucking retarded, and the fact that you assume I didn't watch it cause I didn't make the same assumptions of some antifa queer makes you fucking retarded as well.