Fucking Ew.

162  2018-09-20 by RBuddCumia


He thinks his shit little stolen character is charming. Fuck off worm, die while you’re at it

I wish he'd just go jump in a lake

I wish he would crawl thru a puddle after a rain storm and fall into the sewer

I wish he would drop his wallet in the back seat of a taxi and not realize it til 3 hours later.

Whoa! Too far man!

Too far...

Too far. I'm all for fun and games but there's no need to be hurtful.

Bro that's not cool you shouldn't take it there bro. Calmo.

Or a puddle of AIDs perhaps

I wish he'd take a short walk on a long pier

If he could only get lost in a salt mine.

They should have mentioned how he lifted that shit from the Jerky Boys. Jimmy Norton-Mencia.

At least Carlos can stick to a decent training and nutrition regimen.

Every time I’ve said Chip isn’t funny here I get mass downvoted

Don’t try and turn around now you cowards

Nobody remembers the past. Fuck yourself.

The Joan and Jew show couldn’t possibly be a bigger pile of shit unless it was just a dumb, disconnected old alcoholic with a repugnant face trying to do a solo on camera behind a paywall.

He talked about all his loved by fans characters except Uncle Paul

It's so if he makes it no one can point to a pedophile character.

That one's harder to get on a Netflix special

Eww exactly. He'd be ripping on this if someone else said it ten years ago.

Oh boy I bet Chips response to this will be great! XD

I hope he passive aggressively does an Opie impression lmfao!!!! Never gets old ;P

Fully expected this to be u/patbattle1

You just can't contol that crazy guy!

Gross. We need to try to get that Worm Documentary shown at Film Festivals or on Netflix. We need to step it up.

What in the fuck is happening to the people we once enjoyed?

are desperately trying to 'sell out' and failing miserably at it

Nothing more pathetic than being so willing to sell your soul and no one wanting it.

You telling me a mollusk looking 3rd micer shock jock who made a career off 'I fuck tranny' jokes and interviewing porn stars doesn't have cross over appeal?

Not really, specifically for the reasons you masterfully summarized.

Testosterone. It's gone. They're all yentas now.

They really are. It's disgusting.

They're doing silly prop costume shows.

Nice Artie nose, Flatcat

No more guiding captain to mesmerize them with big meaty tits or corral them with callers. Ant needs structure from Opie, Jim needs to be partnered with Ant, Sam needs to be re-frozen in his iceberg.

They were always like this but we forgave them because they were funny

This is what happens as the body begins to break down with age. I’m killing myself at 35.

Now or never faggot.

You should have killed yourself at 35

I'm 24 faggot.


how does this sub have young fans? I assume the youngest peple here are in their 30s.

They probably found O&A by searching for Louis C.K. videos on the youtubes.

Or Pornhub.com

I'm a bitter old man in a handsome young body

You are wrong.

Estrogen levels are rising

At this point, it’s just sad. They’ve just become people with no direction or purpose.

"Perfect storm of hilarity"

This is the equivalent of someone supporting an alt account on social media. Hey, guess what, the publicist you paid $600 for this month did what you told him to do, ham-handedly, but he got the job done.

Shit, that publicist is shucking n' jiving too. He is about to lose the worm's SiriusXM commission.

Never heard "ham-handed" before. I've only ever heard "ham-fisted". Interesting.

So what kind of pornography do you like?

They’re pretty much interchangeable, maybe ‘fisted’ is more British English than ‘handed’.

Brazilian fart porn.

Are there actual people in real life that feel anything but contempt for Sam Roberts? At least Jimmy used to be funny.

They can't even remember his name.

Uber fag

"Chip's crazy. Chip says whatever. He's insulting, he's offensive, he's ridiculous and I love it. I just think it's hilarious. He's so funny because he still has Norton's mind. He'll say stuff that's really funny off the top of his mind that he just came up with. That character is hilarious. I like mean comedy, that might be a reflection of my childhood."

Kevin Brennan deserves more hate for this comment.


Thinking Chip is a beacon of "mean comedy."


Kevin called dave landau a "fucking fat fuck" 300 times in a 40 minute radio segment... he gets a pass in my eyes

He's piss, he's shit, he's insulting, he's revolting

I'll never hate Kevin Brennan.

More importantly, is Kevin's show on TACN ever brought up at all?

Even that closet-case psycho has to suck a lil dick sometimes

With every day that goes by, I find it harder and harder to believe I ever liked Jim Norton.

I dunno how to read this, i dont speak shite

Washed up, unfunny faggot or legitimate schizophrenic/multi-personality disorder at this point?

I agree with Norton on this one.

Seriously. He needs to drop all his 'characters' and be himself. Wait, nope, that won't work either. He should just go away.

Of all the great Norton characters in the past, I still don't understand why he chose Chip as his main one. Chip is good for 1 line every 3 hours.

The article reads like it was written by Sam's mother. A revolting, fake confidence plea for a new contract. Highlights include saying Jim and Sam have plenty more options, such as joining Anthony's "network" and that Sam's wrestling podcast in his basement is proof he's going places. Chip is also apparently a cultural phenomenon because he sold out a 900 seat venue.

I've never really genuinely willed someone to lose their job before but I hope these two nothings are unemployed in a couple of weeks.

He needs his hacky unfunny character to promote himself. Git er dooone

This fucked up worm makes me want to commit a hate crime against him

Jim seems to have a lot of well-wishers around here, and a lot of them would like to throw him down one, a well, they want to murder him in a well.

Oh I get it, because Chip is supposed to be somebody else, but really he's not, wink-wink... fucking boo

Someone else mentioned it before but he really does think he’ll end up on Inside the Actors Studio with James Lipton going “can.....can we talk to Chip?”

See the /sites/ in the URL? That means it’s literally a blog hosted on Forbes and has nothing to do with them or their editors.

are desperately trying to 'sell out' and failing miserably at it

Testosterone. It's gone. They're all yentas now.

They're doing silly prop costume shows.

No more guiding captain to mesmerize them with big meaty tits or corral them with callers. Ant needs structure from Opie, Jim needs to be partnered with Ant, Sam needs to be re-frozen in his iceberg.

They were always like this but we forgave them because they were funny

This is what happens as the body begins to break down with age. I’m killing myself at 35.

Estrogen levels are rising

At this point, it’s just sad. They’ve just become people with no direction or purpose.