We are white supremacists and homophobes

97  2018-09-19 by PsychopathyRed


"In the coming days, Ill be putting together a lengthy blog post" what a homo

That’s the gayest thing I’ve seen in the past few days.

Multiple sockpuppets

These faggots love living life thinking only one or two trolls live in the world.

We are a multitude.

Look at his fat fucking face. He looks like a retard.

He looks like he's Artie's pig character from MadTv. But look, he got the girl.

This is just a good angle. She’s a great big fat person with yellow teeth

Millennial Norm MacDonald

And fat.

He looks like a retard with a very high estrogen count

He looks like that retarded kid who had his own cooking show, Merrill Kalin

I literally have nothing to lose.

What a self-important douche deluxe. I have to bite my tongue from telling him that the reason he is getting dunked is due to shit like bragging about Twitter followers and shit. Not for views that he pretends to believe in.

She's cute!

Maybe my standards have been raised too high by our cameo cuties, but I just don't see it.

And she didn't take her husband's last name when they married. Fight the patriarchy!


I mean, I'd fuck her, but that doesn't make her cute.

"Sometimes I'll say a bitch is ugly, and one of my friends will say what, you wouldn't fuck her? And I say, that's got nothin to do with it."

Guaranteed that bitch has taken multiple dicks while her faggot boyfriend was busy arguing with people abut Drumpf on Twitter.

Seriously. There's tons of these girls on tinder looking to come over and "watch a movie" while their fat loser boyfriend or husband is playing video games or writing "lengthy blog posts"

Dummy, it's not a "mass false reporting attack" if Twitter agrees that you violated their TOS.

Twitter reports are, ultimately, checked by a human. There's some stuff that'll get you instantly in time-out - like calling a Blue Check the c-word - but other than that it's some poor asshole having to look at it.

That seems like such a weird job to have. What transferrable skills for other tech positions could you possibly get from moderating internet comments? Its more like HR or something.

What transferrable skills for other tech positions could you possibly get from moderating internet comments?

None; but I don't think the people working those jobs have much of a career path mapped out.

Various titles and descriptions with the word 'community' and 'human resources' in them. Shit could even say its 'social media quality assurance' or some shit.

It's how they get their diversity counts to acceptable levels. All companies backfill low skill jobs with low talent individuals of useful ethnicities.

Plenty of Indians fulfill those diversity quotas too.

some poor asshole

Fuck them, they chose to be the internet fun police

yep, he is still 100% certain it was an automated suspension and not decided by a human.

What a moon faced idiot.


I cannot wait.

Better not get a job in a restaurant then innit.

Oh you.

She got all the chin, he got none.

He has zero chins and 2 chins simultaneously, like Fat Norton used to.

I thought we were SJWs according to Ant and Joe. I'm so confused. What am I?

SJNNs - Social Justice Neo Nazis

I like this

Think about how well dressed we must all be.

That fat faggot went to the Rainforest Cafe of all the restaurants at Disney and the surrounding area. I just reached maximum hate for his fat loser face and his dumb, barren wife.

This faggot and joe and antH have recently been to Disneyland, is there some kind of pizzagate thing going on down there

I don't know who this guy is, but he seems like an unoriginal bore. Only adults who aren't interesting enough to go to on real vacations end up at Disney World. There are so many better places out there to go on a trip. Why blow your wad on synthetic, packaged "fun" at a theme park for kids?

I hope this fat Bob Kelly wannabe and his dumpstain of a girlfriend fly out of their seats on space mountain and get disemboweled on metal girders.

He has a hey Arnold shape face.

Like a football so it is.

Twitter decided you were the bully and the troll, Pat.

Twitter deemed it necessary to remove you from their platform in order to create a safe space for their community.

And for that you ought to be ashamed of the horrid things you said.

It's time for you to reflect on your past poor behavior and become a better person!

They look like a couple looking to "experiment" with the cuckolding lifestyle.

This faggot can only get hard every other day. The testosterone is completely drained from his face. I bet his books are very sensitive. What a queer.

It really does look like a fetlife "We're looking for a fun couple to explore this exciting new lifestyle with!" profile Pic.

Maybe we should help them and set some upm

I hope this fucker shows up to Twitter headquarters to challenge his ban and security ends up shattering his jaw

I hope he protests twitter the way that weird Iranian chick protested youtube

I don’t care for this gentleman one bit.

Language sir!We are a family friendly sub.

What a disgusting fat round face. He looks like a 19th century caricature of the moon.

Tonight, tonight toooonight

He violated Twitter TOS, got banned, and might actually kill himself over it. What a sad loser.

Please, this sub used to love Anthony Cumia (a gay black man) and Jim Norton (an elderly lesbian).

The first person to demand it on twitter.

Oh this is too good.

We've gotten a racist pedophile banned from Twitter. What have YOU done?

Just a few days ago, on Alex Jones podcast, we were called gloablists, and it was implied that we were social justice warriors. Now, we are called white supremacists.

The far right thinks we are SJW's, and the far left thinks that we are white supremacists. We are doing something right here.

Welcome to 'the center.' WE hate pedos and woman beaters, liberal about sex, think jokes are just jokes and people who whine non-stop are fucking useless.

Good one

You forgot "we're two guys with 10,000 alts each who... "

Alex jones talked about this place?

Op link plz

Got an erection just imagining this. Link me negro

They didn't specifically mention this place. It was Anthony and Alex Jones on there, both denying their relationships with trans women. And they said the people making up these rumors are globalists and bitter social justice warriors. And since, we are the only ones spreading the rumors about Ant, they are pretty much talking about us.

Just a few days ago, on Alex Jones podcast, we were called gloablists,


Alex and Anthony were on there deny their relationships with trans women. And basically saying the people who were making these claims were globalists and social justice warriors. And since we are the only ones making the claims about Ant. That means that we are globalists now.

BASED Centrism

I wish the assumption of ones ideology was deemed as offensive as the assumption of someone's gender


Sniff 'commonality of language' Sniff

The interwebs are serious business. 🙄


Lauren Kubera has some competition with that chin.

She has a manlier jaw than he does.

If they come after us for being white supremacists, we might have to call killakuhn from prison to vouch for us.

A Facebook diatribe while on vacation... yeah hes not bothered at all. Totally cool and collected.

God dammit. I didn't think this guy was even worth trolling and now I'm gonna be left out of the screenshots AGAIN.

He knows putting this effort into a second twitter account will mean nothing since he won't get remotely close to as many followers without that stupid 'moral dilemma' question that got him 10 minutes. He peaked a while ago and that twitter account is all he has left from it.

Ohhh. So it's harassment when he's being targeted

What a great picture of diversity, you fat queer. He really is just a worthless brother Joe. (CALLBACK!)

Hey fatty, I know you're reading this. Can you include my witty quip about a better abortion conundrum being if a woman is pregnant with you it's okay to abort? I think it was clever and it'd be great if you'd include it in your gay blog. K thanks faggot.


This guy is a perfect b story in between us laughing at the faggot cumia Brothers

the universe just keeps delivering

Is that his wife? Woof.

I have no idea who this is but I hate him so much

as smart as a bag full of pig knuckles.

This guy means business.

No I just hate Jews and fags

And you can feel the estrogen oozing out of his pores.

He's like a living soy latte

Definitely enjoying vacation. Definitely not thinking about Twitter.

Why is he complementing me?

I really don't want this beef to be the one that finishes this place off. I think this dude's a faggot and all wet, but I'm too paranoid about his (((SJW))) connections in media. They've been able to successfully de-platform people left and right lately...although it was revealed r/MDE got themselves banned; SJW's just took the credit.

But still: They're on a roll lately. They're even trying to go after libertarian/liberal non-leftist creators on YouTube en masse right now, potentially to hedge things in their favor on the way to the midterm elections. We're a bunch of non-political cutesie-pies who like funny shit; these days that's enough to put you on the chopping block with the rest of them.

Yes, MDE it turns out got themselves banned for brigading. In a sense that's what this fatty is claiming. He says him getting banned on twitter was due to an orchestrated campaign by this sub.

That isn't true, and any admin that were to investigate such an allegation would find in our favour.

We're gonna be fine. His connections haven't garnered him much success or exposure as a writer and the "people are mean to people on the internet" story has been done to death. If he was a half black, half Eskimo trans midget who was in a Star Wars movie and we gave him this treatment, it'd be different.

Just another straight white guy. Who cares?

its fuckin hard keeping up with this sub, who is this now?

guy who shit-talked Norm and our sub and is a total faggot

Yeah okay, atleast I'm not dating the fucking troll face meme.

If his Facebook posts are this boring, I can only imagine how fucking terrible his books must be.

Going by the Amazon reviews, it's not pretty

Sounds like he’s on vacation having a blast and not obsessing over this at all.

Who the heck is this guy to call others racists? He demanded that the US government repeal the 13th Amendment and started the hashtag #RepealThe13th. Glad Twitter banned him.

Can't wait for the article.

If the Patricks of the world would just come up with a half decent quip back, this sub would sorta respect them and leave em alone. That how O.J's lawyer, Malcolm played it and now he's a legend. This guy chose to go down the dark path.

Is it gay day at disney world right now? Why else would an adult go there alone.





  1. I am not afraid of homos, I think they're funny and find them to be whimsical as long as they're not bleeding.

  2. If I was a white supremacist I wouldn't wish for a Cosby comeback tour every time I toss a penny into a fountain when I do my daily scan for heebs

How exhausting it must be to have this person in your life.

Can you imagine this fucker at the holidays?

Let's hope these screenshots are not from imagurr as those can be taken out of context and manipulated, often.

Should he be referred to as "Pig Knuckles" from now on?

I think so.

Should he be referred to as "Pig Knuckles" from now on?

Quite a bit of space between those eyes. Tongue seems to be pushing it's way through those teeth... hmmm Who's the other guy, BTW?

Or course this manchild goes to fkn theme parks for holidays

Nana enjoys Epcot also.

Imagine spending your money on a holiday and spending your time whinging about Twitter. Fucking queer.

What kind of an asshole thinks that anybody wants to read his 300 word crybaby facebook posts... or his idiotic books for that matter. This is what happens when parents support their kids too much. Somebody important in this faggot's life should have told him years ago to just shut the fuck up

What a fucking self-absorbed, melodramatic fruit. No one gives a fuck that you’re gone.

The more giant paragraphs he posts about this, the more he reveals what a shallow attention whore he is. For his own emotional stability, he needs to believe that his “fans” are clamoring to get him back.

“I NEED to get back to my followers! How will they carry on without my corny, derivative take on current events or my snappy retorts to every negative comment about me?” Fucking dud.

Yeah but his take on abortion... profound, dude.

him and his fag hag

He’s taking time out of his holiday to complain about ‘internet trolls’ getting his Twitter suspended and trying to co-ordinate an effort to get his account back... what the fuck is wrong with these people? I have nothing to do all day and if my social media account got suspended I’d just stop using it.


Imagine having such low self esteem you'd be anywhere near that fat retarded pig.

Poor Green Goblin lookin' bitch.

I hope he’s murdered by a pack of niggers because he asked for it.


Twitter suspensions are almost entirely based off of swarm reports. You were were banned because you used their platform to provoke strangers. Had you have stuck to cheap political grandstanding and terrible jokes, you would still have a Twitter account.

This motherfucker really wants to go, huh?

This guys vacations at Disney like Anthony does.

I genuinely hope a basketball American whom he loves so much stabs him with a Heineken bottle and takes his wallet. Genuinely, dude. I would tell you if I didn't.

That girl is kinda cute is that his girl?

I'm out of the loop on who this fat piece of shit is, but anyone who makes multiple posts like this, while on vacation, is not enjoying their vacation. It's eating away at him by the second.

Ol' balloon head

Is this guy not familiar with Joe Cumia v. Reddit? A precedent that states that screengrabs are, first of all easily manipulated, second of all taken out of context often.

Cool. White power, etc.

I still have no idea who this is or why anyone cares

Yeah but his take on abortion... profound, dude.

Alex and Anthony were on there deny their relationships with trans women. And basically saying the people who were making these claims were globalists and social justice warriors. And since we are the only ones making the claims about Ant. That means that we are globalists now.