Hey gang:

0  2018-09-19 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Hump Day, huh?

Don't worry! Good news is that these next two days'll zzzzip by, then...the WEEKEND!

Keep your chin up! And remember: You miss a hundred percent of the shots you DON'T take.

Also: I fucking hate that faggot Joe Cumia.


keep you chin up, that way the 100% of shots that are made at you land on your face

Keep your chin up, that way the one shot you do take will pierce your brain stem.

I hope so

Every day is weekend when you are unemployed

someones gotta piss that skid mark off the inside of the toilet

I thought I was the only one who did that

you're not alone. its a sport of the unemployed masses my friend

I hope you wonderful folks never change

Now we know what Colin Quinn's Reddit handle is

If you don’t try, then you’ll never be disappointed.