Is it true that Anthony is the same age now that his father was when he died? (57)

13  2018-09-19 by greygooser

Better pop a few extra xanax to deal with the anxiety that must be causing


I always forget that Anthony is older than my father

I actually actively tried to find this out, but I couldn't find anything conclusive. I think he was a bit younger when he died though. Like 49-ish.

I believe this is his Dad. Cory was the girlfriend in California (still alive)

Sounds right. Good work. Be sure to remind Ant


That name had me going for a second

I don’t know what you mean.

I just saw Joseph Cumia deceased for a moment.

Ok I get it. The leech is Joseph Cumia Jr

How did his father die? Was Anthony still a tinknocker or had me met Opie by then? Did he even go to the funeral? Or did the state pick up the tab and throw him in a grave for the bums. Either I can't remember or he never talked about it.

Anthony’s dad died just before he made it in radio.

As much as I dislike Ant, that's gotta suck. I'm sure his dad probably would have tried to bleed him dry, but Anthony himself would have been able to say "my dad got to see me succeed" in the end. But that didn't happen. The man died right as Anthony went on his way to be somewhat successful for almost 2 decades. Every parent wants to see their child succeed in life, and his dad didn't get to see that. Last he knew of his son was him knocking tin and playing in a shitty band with his brother. You'd think Anthony would have taken that experience and learn from it later in life. But instead he abandoned his mother. The one parent who got to see him become successful. He ignored her and let her wither away in a fucking home. But the way I look at it is that Rich Vos will be at the comedy Connection in Providence Rhode Island from November 22nd to the 24th.

Heart attack

I had a feeling you’d make an appearance in this thread :)


No way joe sr was his real dad. He was a strip club customer before legal abortion