TMZ: The Mugging Zilch

102  2018-09-19 by revolvingmonk


Adolf had a much better head of hair.

And healthier sex life.

And they'll both commit suicide in a windowless concrete room with a german shepard and a person calling itself a woman.

He makes me fucking sick

The Shady Cunt.

There is nothing worse than the end of any interview where he discusses "the business of show" with real actors

'talking shop' is usually pretty bad, its even worse with people who aren't even successful.

Maybe if I exaggerate my expressions my points will become more interesting.

Everyone loves to watch ol' Silly-face Jim over-emote like a children's show host

What the fuck could he have possibly been talking about, that warranted that degree of overreaction?

Insufferable cunt

Something about PC sssccummmbagggssss

What level of mothafawkering we talking about

He was blowing minds by pointing out that black people are allowed to say the N-Word but white people are not.

Yet he sold Louis CK out because he thought he was next in the metoo barrel like the phony chode he is.

i mean he can see both sides, one side is shit and the onther side is a mother effer

He’s so fake when a camera is on him

Not true. I have it on good authority he makes the same faces when taking dock from Princess Alan.

How do you make Jim Norton shut up?

-Tie up his hands

and i thought the punchline was going to be "get a tranny to facefuck him." life's full of surprises.

but that would be mouth in shame wacky lulz

ugly hospital kitchen

Center square is the worst one.

He thinks he's people.

more like AZT

He's so uncomfortable in his own skin but then most other reptiles get to shed theirs every once in a while.

Why was he on TMZ?

Hypocritical blathering about PC-culture. The most astounding part is how he fit all that mugging and hand gestures into 36 seconds.

hes pc culture, no really tho because hes one step below pc culture

Auditioning for his CNN talking head spot

Fucking invertebrate

Bottom, centre. His hands sicken me.

Jim Norton is the Gollum of Twinks

Every girl I knew in high school had a photo booth strip of her and her friends doing these exact poses.

Hideous decor.


Hammy sandberg

Patrice would slap the shit out of this jerky little ass

He would have annoyed people back before humans had writing and just told stories around camp fires

Is like if Andy Warhol wasnt a fag but a pedophile

Norman Fell would have said this guy overdoes it.

Can someone please find the O&A show where Jim talks about how much he hates TMZ?

Worm boy

So your mother was murdered, what's up with that?