Queen Milian: "Well that's what we have pens for"

113  2018-09-19 by crookedmile


Reminder: 'Jenkem' Joe Cumia criticized this lady's looks and bragged about going home to...whatever that thing is.

His girlfriend must be so uncomfortable, knowing that he made fun of the looks of a much more beautiful woman.

She probably thought he got her good #standbyyourbum

how weird is it to stay with a man, because you rely on his brothers paychecks. thats like step-gold-digging.

fools-gold digging lmao

And thus it was born and named

Nah, Long Island trash’s egos know no bounds.

That guinea filled dark alley into the ocean is so inbred at this point they can’t even tell anymore.

"His girlfriend" is Dawn's husband, thank you very much.

We don't even have to juxtapose ol' pirate's mouth to Judge Milian. She's a stand alone knockout

Es muy caliente

Them shits are pink as fuck

Mine are brown :-(

prove it

Apex Milf. He's retarded.

Icky, it doesn't have a penis

-Anthony Cumia

Gnarly feet with evolution toe

You can cover up the feet. Joe's bitch will need a birqua.

That's a wicked googly or sumptin

I'd love to fuck her while having her repeat all the great lines from the show. "Why would anyone care that you are your brother's brother? Sounds far fetched to me." I'd cum so fast.

The only thing that Joe told the truth about the judge mocked him for.

I love how she values inclusivity like we all do on this sub, against violent, racist, card carrying white supremacists. God bless her

I hate nigger and spics like you though.

This sub has passed you by then.

Only ironic racism is funny

This sub consists of 90% blacks

Joe's also 90% black.

i can gift you a cheap soundbar(less than $10) from ebay


just saying

Only if the sound quality is that of a low-end consumer level sound bar. Anything less than that will require a trip to Walmart

Dayum I wanna suck her pussy

She is infinitely more attractive than the hag who crawled out of the tub in The Shining that Joe calls his "girl." On top of that, a professional career woman like judge Milian would never go out with a parasitic loser like Jenkem Joe. Joe knows this and it fuels his resentment of her.

I love the name but where the hell does the jenkem name come from? Had Joe been huffing toxic shit fumes and i haven't heard about it?

Yeah, sure, why not.

I go out with her. Maybe even kiss her.

Why did Joe publicly bash this women? Didn't she rule in his favor or at least award him some sort of compensation? Why the hell would he publicly trash her and post her nudes?

Also, did he delete the tweets afterwards?

She made him look like even more of an idiot than usual which, considering how much of a complete fucking moron he is, is actually quite an impressive feat. Her cool, calm demeanour, dismissive manner and comprehensive understanding of contract law made regular village idiot Joe look like what the Victorians used to call "an imbecile." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbecile

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbecile

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She did clarify that racists can enter contracts. That is definitely settled law.

Didn't that braindead idiot say "thank you" to that? I need to dig up the post-morte Bennington did on it.

He did. What a fucking buffoon.

He realized that a lot more people watch The People's Court in hindsight and that he'd been thoroughly exposed and humiliated to a huge amount of people. That show does close to a two rating, which means that two percent of all televisions in America are playing People's Court when it airs, which means this wasn't just a goof to stick it the haters on Reddit, but rather something like three million people watched him get demolished.


I didn't want to bring up reddit

well bring them up

It started about four years ago..

you know what never mind, just drop it

I'm sorry..

She alpha'd the shit out of that beta cuck pedo

That's the moment that first got me to laugh out loud when I watched this. And then the more I watched and read comments, it started some cascade. This cringe is a solid contender for maybe one of the funniest things ever for me.

We need to mod her up.

Her Majesty

In the early days of internet porn (circa 2002 or so) there was an episode of MILF HUNTER with a super hot tan redhead that looked very similar to Judge Milian. I remember being a dumb 12 year old and actually thinking it was her, and so whenever People's Court came on I would get a boner because as she was talking I'd just imagine that Milf Hunter scene.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

I miss old school internet porn. BangBus, Midnight Prowl, Teens4Cash. Good times.

I was more of an 8th street Latinas guy but I see your point.

Kazaa and Limewire porn were the best.

Fuckin' Kazaa. "Babysitter's First Handjob" was the only gem I remember downloading off that.

Sexy Vanessa.

TIL that wikifeet is a thing.

You've been missing out

It's awesome.

Well she's what I have a penis for.


Just for comparison, she's 9 days younger than Anth

For the record she's 57 and stunning, been married forever with no public drama that I'm aware of, has had 3 kids, went to georgetown, worked for harvard law school and has had a successful TV show for 17 years and google claims her net worth is 18million.

it's no wonder she ran circles around Joe.

Are those shit stains on the sidewalk. Warning people, wear boots when in Los Angeles.

Like the Queen of Spain sending her armies to expel the Muslims like Joe’s ancestors.