Any of you Man-Children play PS4?

0  2018-09-19 by Virginia_Beach

If so, what are you playing. I finally got back into playing Far Cry 5 but after 20 minutes I'm bored of fetching shit and doing jobs for other people. Need something less tedious. Suggestions?


Kingdom Come.

not playing MHGU on bing bing wahoo Faggot.

I enjoy H1Z1

Me too. I just drive around honking my horn at all of my enemies.

I downloaded that the other night but haven't had a chance to play it. I'll give it a go tonight.

It's the first game to hook me in a while. I didn't like the building element in fortnite so got drawn to this one.

I don't. The hit reg makes me throw my controller across the room.

that's one thing I will admit. It's the first game in probably over 20 years it makes me want to smash my control and I lose.

Here's a suggestion: put down the video games and pick up the bible.

Says the adulteress. Repent, harlot.

The new Spider-Man looks pretty good brotherman

I'm not shelling out $60 on it, though. I'd rather rent it from Redbox and take it from there.

i just got dragon quest xi, its pretty decent. I also play monster hunter world a lot

Eh, not into that type of stuff. Wizards, dragons and shit.

The hunter call of the wild is a pretty good game lots of critters to track and hunt plus great sounds and beautiful graphics.

I'll take a look at this.

It really is an amazing game but I wish they had more varieties of pedestrians with some in the windows of the buildings.

Also, why aren't there any motorbikes?

Which game?

Sorry. I should have said Spiderman.

It's great just as long as you don't look too closely at certain things.

There's no pets or fat people. No gangs of minority youths.

I play NBA 2K. The shit talk that Basketball Americans engage in is awesome. I also play Battlefield 4 because it's the last faggy game that came out in recent memory.

About to finish Spider-Man (was PFG), then I’ll probably redbox tomb raider for a week and after that we got a solid fall with BO4/Red Dead/Fallout

Your thoughts on Spider-Man?

Story and gameplay are solid as hell, but optional side missions can get repetitive and you have to grind them a bit to unlock more suits/gadgets. Overall I really liked it but unless you’re all in on superhero shit you’re better off redboxing and seeing if it’s something you want to continue playing.

I have an early copy of Red dead redemption 2 and am loving every minute of it

I didn't really care for the first one. How does this one differ?


You can customize the horses and make them invincible.


My cousin Danny works for Rockstar. Nice try wit the hate tho

You can just ask if anyone owns a PS4. This isn't 1986. Video gaming is pretty common among people who aren't 100 years old.

Who needs video games when you can sneak into your roommates room and leave some pubes on their pillowcase.
