Joe: Here's the thing...little TL;DR, might be a little over your head...but try to keep up, you child spit-loving rascal you...

1  2018-09-19 by TangerineReam

You have an idea of how you believe your life is. From your perception, it couldn't be better: Your daughter loves you, you're in 4 different bands, and your brother supplements your livelihood.

The problem here - not just from our point of view but from an axiomatic, objective idea of real life that we and non-sub members share - is that it isn't that great, or as great as you would claim. It's half a clown shoe existence and half a dependent existence, or one that lacks any real independence.

Time and time again; you've publicly embarrassed yourself or have taken our bait(pedophilia, etc). And since you're so closely associated with your family; you have (with your brother) inherently brought down their stock, even among people whom you idealistically line up with and whose respect you were potentially looking for. Gavin McInnes, a successful madman who has time and time again shot himself in the foot and has lost millions of dollars in the process, has famously called YOU "...a fuck up". The kettle called the pot "black"(something you probably didn't like), and received no backlash or counter from your brother, AT ALL. And even Ant's berated your attempt at being a showman from time to time. If you were objectively talented enough to stand on your own, then these people would have no choice but to acknowledge that. Ant can offer up that you're good at guitar, but that's about it.

You DO NOT have a passable batting average when dealing with the public. Now, you might conflate that to what Opie would refer to as "haters and their agenda", but's the thing:

A. It doesn't excuse your actions or abscond you from taking responsibility for them, especially from what you've said on social media(although you've tried to anyway on People's Court),

B. And this is important, Joe: Even if it is just "haters and their agenda"...its fucking 23,619 HATERS and their agenda. To someone like Pig Schumer, or even Louie these days; it's a vocal minority, but it's juxtaposed against the majority of support and demand these national acts have. It comes with the price of fame. True fame. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE SUPPORT THESE PEOPLE HAVE TO BUTTRESS YOUR CLAIM OF FAME. You have 23,619 people that hate your guts, think you're tragically dumb and sad, and only have - maybe - 100 people who don't think that? Maybe less? And by the way: you can't pump that number up by bringing in the "thousands of people" you've played for and "entertained"...YOU'RE A COVER ARTIST. People forgot about you the way you forgot about your dinner beer from a week ago. That is THE FACT of life for 99.5% of all cover artists/bands, and you, my friend, are no different.

As far as being a good father, well...

Your boy Trump, a trust fund kid in his own right, became a success by taking the investment from his father and flipping it into something akin to a 10,000% return, based on nothing but his wits, balls and ambition. You get 60k a year for doing nothing and being a faggot. You haven't actually earned anything...and if you've proven anything invariably true, it's that your ventures can't be financially independent on their own(not to mention your 2U singer left because you weren't paying him). And even if they could; it's completely undercut by your online persona and inability to control yourself. How is that success, and not a recipe for infamy? Or worse: Self-destruction?

The truth is: You actually DO care about what we think, because 23,619 are actively talking about you daily, and they all HATE YOU. You DO NOT have 23,619 fans in your other ventures. 23,619 fans are not trending you daily. You are the epitome of INFAMOUS.

However, I do believe you can turn a small part of all of this around, at least: STOP TAKING YOUR BROTHERS CHECKS AND LIVE OFF YOUR COVER BANDS. Prove that you can, that it can be done, that you QUITE LITERALLY CAN BE INDEPENDENT. Use your social media to only promote your gigs, keep your mouth shut, and work hard at all four of these bands. If you can show us up, then we'll just get bored and move.

The People's Court episode should've been a turning point for you personally, like someone who has a transformative experience on psychedelics for the first time and realizes how much they hate their lives and what needs to change. That should've been the wake-up call for you to change things around. It still can be. 23,619 creative pests can make your life a lot worse than it already is, no matter how comfortable you think you are already. Not a threat at all; just a fact. Doesn't have to be that way, but that's really up to....faggot.