Request: Post your UNPOPULAR opinion

1  2018-09-18 by Reaktif

I'll go first.



I'm not particularly interested in anal sex

Me neither, it seems gross and with a large potential for ending messily.

Same here, especially after sticking my finger up the wife's ass while fucking her and finding half a peanut

You actually beat me to it. It's disgusting no matter the broad and it stinks.

The Opie Radio show was better than the Opie Radio Podcast show

id fuck most of ants girls including missy but not jill

I like Jim and Sam and listen most days. They have great chemistry

I enjoy the third tittie on resident black ladys stomach

Black lives matter

Patrice was as bad as any of them and just died of candy addiction before too many people figured it out.

I really don't give a shit about pics of big beefers.

I like Family Guy up to season 5 or 6. There are still good episodes in the seasons after that, the multiverse episode is a funny one. I don't have any deep explanation for why I'd cut it off there, or why I don't find the stuff after that as funny. I just noticed that whenever Adult Swim would play episodes from the earlier seasons (at least when I was watching they would not play stuff in chronological order over nights, one night they might play season 2, the next night might be season 8), I usually thought it was decent, and later seasons seemed eh. I did stop watching eventually though, so if the newer stuff is alright I wouldn't know.

If you fuck a tranny you are a fag

I like Joe DeRosa on O&A

Women squirting isn’t sexy. It’s messy and annoying.

That shit leaves stains everywhere too. Looks like a crime scene the next day under a blacklight

Truth isn't always popular

I enjoyed the Burnt Chrysler Netflix comedy special.

OandA always fucking sucked and their fanbase consisted of contrarian assholes hating on howard to show how edgy they were.

I will always hate Opie and no twist of irony by this sub that he is somehow loved now can make me change my mind.

Red Bar sucks

Ant didn't beat up Dani. She is unstable and manipulated the situation.

Anthony actually looks kind of handsome


Brother Joe is a hard worker and kind of smart

Ron Bennington fucking sucks.

I still want Opie and Anthony to get back together.

Opie is a way better co-host than Sam Roberts, its not even close.

I’m straight

Opie going to the phones was the highlight of every old O&A show.

op ISNT a fag

u/sams_seed isn't black, no one in Africa would consider her to be a black person

That last Norm stand up special didn't make me laugh once. Seemed uncomfortably awkward and not in the way we normally all like shit to be. The fact that Ant loved it makes it even worse for me.

Ant and Joe aren't worth getting angry over

Sams condescending jabs make me chuckle every now and again.

Hate kittens and their stupid memes. Fuck em.