Danni Brand: Do We Like Her or No?

5  2018-09-18 by OpiesInnerCircle

I think she's sexy.


Are you having a fucking laugh

Your username really stood the test of time

Given the nature of time, its quite likely it'll end up being relevant again one day. I hope you choke on your food while all alone


benghazi motherfuckers

Thats highly unlikely considering she's retired as an active politician

Are you saying that given a long period of time, we wont get another news story involving a person called Hillary and e-mails? I'm coming back around, suckers. I'll be relevant again, just you watch.

very soon

Is 'e 'avin a laff?

I like her

Her body is goals. I would be her bff and we could cover each others bruises with mac pro longwear concealer

This thing?

add a wife beater and cut off camo shorts and she looks like the guy that i paid to re shingle my shed.

He did a shitty job, btw.

She's a bit squirrly but come on. You'd smash, I'd smash. We all would smash. Except for the fact that Tranthony tainted her womb forever, she's cute.

Price Allan has better curves than this bag of antlers. i’m no Dave Landau, but i do prefer a decent set of beefers and a juicy dumper.

You'd smash, I'd smash. We all would smash


Not fair to use a pic of her at her highest weight. Come on, now.

DJ Qualls, looking bitch.

fat bitch

I gave that same motherfucker a plate of corn muffins to paint my chicken coop and he never did it!

That's nanas type. Flat undeveloped girls. They remind him of 12 and 13 year olds

She looks like the boy from the first Jurassic Park movie. Judging by those plastic raptors in Ant's backyard, thats probably what attracted him to Dani.

I like her. She's weird but cute.

Her and Ant should be buried alive together.

Form your own opinions, faggot.

Yeah! What this guy said!


As a person: No

As a character in this story: Yes

Typical daddy issues young emotionally unstable girl, I just feel sorry for her when I think about her as she was a victim of the Ghoul and his McMansion slobs

She is despicable trash but she gets some bonus points for briefly making Anthony's life a living nightmare.

Are all you guys that think she's cute British? That's my theory. Because you're all used to wonky-faced snaggle toothed bitches, so Danni just looks like a normal chick to you. Here in America she's ugly.

She is a disgusting mess but did the lord's work hiding Nana's gun.

Their relationship made sense because theyre both 🐜s

She accelerated Ant’s downfall to breakneck speeds. I’d buy her a panini or strawberry salad the next time she stops into Panera.