Anth or Brother Joe? Which Cumia Do We Hate More & Why?

1  2018-09-18 by OpiesInnerCircle

Do tell...


Joe; what kind of human goes on tv and says the word ‘pedophile’ with no provocation, in a court setting.

I actually like them both. They make me laugh.

Brother Joe, obviously. Anth used to be hilarious. Bro Joe has only ever entertained me by how awful he is in every way.

That's like asking if you'd rather be hit in the head with a frying pan or have both of your fucking hands broken in one year.

You don't like being hurt?

girly goat cackle

Brother Joe. By a mile.

He never, ever did anything useful or entertaining and is a useless bloodsucking leech. He's a terrible father, horrible husband and exists off of the work of others in every way whether it be playing other people's music or spending other people's money. His only contribution, literally, to society... Was humiliating himself on a daytime court show for our amusement.

Anthony is despicable, loves trannies and underage girls and couldn't be any less funny these days.... but used to provide entertainment and employed people, contributing to society. He's not wrong about a lot of his politics, he's just a fucking asshole who won't shut up about that shit. He also stomped that annoying bitch nobody liked.


Bro Joe only did one thing worthy of praise in his entire existence and that's...

And even that isn't enough to like him.

Joe for reasons I can't fully comprehend, regardless of the I am aware nana is a full blown maybe kiss u :) predator

Heart Attack. Joe doesn’t prey on minors

I think Anth is far worse. Joe's just a bumbling moron.

Quit being a tryhard faggot who needs the sub to tell them what to think.

Nana is the worst. He won the lottery by having a song that his brother wrote played on the radio by Opie. He and Opie hit it off, and become millionaires in the process. At no point does he become humbled by his luck, and he continued his incessant ranting about black violence and culture (the irony of course is his behavior of drug use, violence against women, reckless gun ownership, is the attack kind of stuff that he attacked the "they aren't people" people for). His race obsession ultimately overtook his funny, and while no one will deny that he was not quick comedically, if you take an objective look at most of his funny lines, they were mainly references to movies, obscurely-phrased insults, or impressions. When he got fired, he pissed away the goodwill from the fans by attacking Opie and deteriorating into an Alex Jones wannabe.

Joe was always a barnacle, but at the very least he remained fiercely loyal to the person who supported him.

It would have to be how. Because at least ant has given me years of laughter

Solo Joe playing In The Air Tonight with his DIGITECH seals the deal for me. The microphone drum beat and steel string slapping brings me to a very bad place. He’s that sweatpants Dad no one wants to be around.