Mentally ill Pete Davidson gets more shit tattoos.

27  2018-09-18 by AnthonyGroomia


How incredibly uninteresting.

He is SNL personified

Bert and Ernie just came out so expect those two somewhere on his body shortly.

He really just does pick shit out at random

He won't be alive by 2020. Mark your calendar, fam.

Remember when you guys used to love this goofy faggot?

His battle with the Stangles will not be forgotten

Nice doodles!

A star of David. Just when you think you couldn't hate him any more.

Hahaha you get it guys? ITS PIGGY SMALLS!!!! Holy shit that’s genius!

That guy is so deformed I have no idea what body parts I'm looking at

This dude is loosing his mind.

He should be tightening it instead.

People who tattoo their bodies like a high school girl doodling on her notebook cover need to be gassed.

what an original name for a pig

Of course he has a Winnie the Pooh tattoo. People like him are just adult children who will never grow up. They're the same faggots who say things like "Dumbledore wouldn't allow this!" as if children's characters are relevant to serious discussions.

I hope his father’s death was not quick.

What does every faggot have a rose tattoo

If the Hillary tattoo wasn't embarrassing enough, he goes and gets one of Schumer

Well, it's all uphill after getting a Hilary Clinton tattoo.

I worked at a tattoo shop for awhile and a lot of bipolar and borderline personality disorder types would get bizarre shit on a whim based on their emotional state at that exact moment. Six months later they would want cover ups. He must be exhausting to deal with daily. I'm sure Ariana Grande isn't tolerable either. I look forward to the murder suicide.

Gets good business, but a BPD sufferer with more intelligence would tolerate the pain, lidocaine applications, and low-grade fever of laser removal.

Why couldn't it have been "Bring your kid to work day"

It makes sense, reputable tattoo parlors aren’t going to work on a clearly deranged retarded man, so he has to go to the shitty ones and he ends up with tattoos like this.

Line art and calligraphy tattoos are cheap because literally anyone with a pulse can do them.

I've seen prison tattoos made with homemade needles and ink that look way better than this.

No Mac Miller tribute?

A marijuana leaf on his arm? Watch out America, Pete Davidson plays by his own rules!!!!

I hope he gets hit by a train and they need these shitty tattoos to identify him.

Niggah thinks he's the Post Malone of comedic actors.

Wait? A Star of David and a four leaf clover. Is he a kike or a mick?