Patrick S. Tomlinson always pushes back during anal sex

40  2018-09-18 by Der-Giftpilz


He's doing the white power symbol, the racist fuck.


Just showing his diameter

Please don't make fun of thin penises.

His resting anal circumference

Of course he is !

Throwing white power signs.

nice blubberthroat, turtlehead

He looks like Down syndrome Seth McFarlane

Cant unsee.

ist that what your supposed to do?

Seriously. OP, we're trying to fuck with this guy, not point out how courteous and thoughtful he is.

no more


What a piggy looking motherfucker.

I think I'm gonna draw a cock shooting his eyes with cum tonight.

nice buckles stupid

He also cups the balls, very considerate fella.

Illuminati confirmed

What the fuck is that uninflated life jacket

The main character in the show Farscape wore that. I hate that I like the same thing as this fruit.

Was this before or after he was hoisted to the ceiling with a ball gag in his snout?

Rape-baby of Erock and Jim Jeffries.

What a sorry excuse for a man.

Please don't make fun of thin penises.

His resting anal circumference