
33  2018-09-18 by unclepaul84


What kind of predator is that?

How long until John Legend cheats on her with a pretty white girl?


All of him just couldn't love ALL of her.

How long until John Legend cheats on her with a handsome white guy.


When your Thai ladyboy becomes a Thai ladyman.

No torso. No neck.

Her cartoonish head is wider than it is long. There’s absolutely no reason why this Frankenstein looking bitch deserves fame.

she is a pumpkinheaded catface retard

Now that’s some good adjectives right there

She’s built like a Womp from Mario Bros

honorable mention

It looks like someone put a Care Bear face the head of Olmec from Legends of the Hidden Temple

Upon reflection, she deserves internet fame because of these amazing Asian tits.

nice mongoloidism, affirmative action stupid

Women age like bread. She honestly was a fucking knockout like 5 years ago.

Shitting out kids fucks everything up

She keeps saying publicly that her kids ruined her body. I don't know anyone who wouldn't pound her snatch immediately.

having kids shouldn't give you an HGH cranium

Don't get me wrong, I'd still sodomize her. But even 5 years ago she had a peculiar facial orientation

thought it was fat Natalie Portman at first

Cruella de Vil

Bobby Lee looks pretty rough these days

According to every soccer mom she’s hilarious on social media. Fucking women are the worst

Does she play joke?

I'd let her peepee in my coke

Is that the Australian Downs Syndrome model?

Who is that?

She's got a head like a fucking orange

alright, bit harsh 'n that

She was never that hot. Prove me wrong

Very nice tits but still had a goofy looking face

Overrated as hell. She looks like that crazy Dominican on Jim and Sam

That's a more than decent Asian rack.

Also, Asian faces don't photograph well.

Asian here, can confirm.

Father of Asian offspring here, also can confirm.

Be ready for the shitstorm of shit you’re about to get for bedding an Asian.

She's beautiful and our children are stunningly beautiful. Nobody can prove me wrong, fam.

Wasn’t disputing her beauty, just telling you that you will get shit for it! I stopped posting on this sub when I got so much shit for being half asian. Also the fact that I’m a woman doesn’t help. These fuckers are thirsty but for some reason I can’t stop coming back here for more.

You should cull the boys and if not, you should be held responsible for bringing another Elliot Rodgers into this world

Joke's on you. No shitstorm happened, stupid.

I've been saying the same thing for years. She always looked like she got stung by a bee and is allergic

I'd fuck the shit out of it

I would too.

That level of thickness is fine with me

Awful tits

Check out the beach nude shots and then come back and redact your statement. Her tits are amazing for an Asian.

Fatty pig fatty

So does everyone say "oof" now? Is it supposed to be good or bad? Because I look at her tits and go oof (good), but I also look at that head and oof (bad).

I always knew this chick was gonna get fat, every time she was on a late night show or whatever her segment was about cooking and food

She's only 32 as well. Fast forward another 10 years..

Looks like Alien 1

I got banned from a sub 2 days ago from trashing this Bloated alcoholic boatbaby. God bless you guys! I'm sure john legend likes being pegged by this Mantran with his Oscar, no spit.

Ugly trashbrained cunt

She keeps saying publicly that her kids ruined her body. I don't know anyone who wouldn't pound her snatch immediately.

having kids shouldn't give you an HGH cranium