They definitely fucked

32  2018-09-18 by AnthonyGroomia


Do I see comedy and tragedy masks AND a guitar tattoo? Is that a deep way to say he wrote parody songs AND Oh, Dara? A real tortured artist.

Ant is Comedy, Joe is Tragedy.

Joe is tragedy, Ant takes tranny-D.

He’s just letting the world know he loves Crue’s Theatre of Pain.

To be fair, I would have'd Roe given the opportunity.

nice shitty nigger tattoos shitty nigger

honestly, mom has better arm definition than Ol' fat tits Joe there

Well this was before Joe went on TRT and regained all of his muscle tone from his 20s and 30s.

She looks younger than her asswipe son


Ro and her black orderly? Of course they did.

Missing from this picture: Anthony.

Joe is an imbecile, but he was the better son.

Joe looks like a chimp grooming one of its friends.

Incest jokes aside I bet these two have concerned conversations about how lonely Anthony is behind his back

With what, a Ouija board?

Oh I thought that was the sister, I only glanced

She wouldn’t remember if they did

Even dead she probably looks better than that fat slob

Hopefully, before she died, an orderly kicked her fucking teeth in for birthing these two mongoloids .

I would have given Roe a good dicking. Depending on the state of decay I still would!