Patrick has created a new twitter. Seems like ban evasion to me.

69  2018-09-18 by greygooser


Who is going to report him from here

That's kind of hilarious that his own fans stooged off his alt account.

Patrick Tomlinson is a troubled man. Patrick Tomlinson doesn’t respect authority or honesty. Patrick Tomlinson doesn’t believe rules apply to him.

I heard he also has ties to the KKK.

He's directly related to Adolf Hitler

that’s frank black who was black francis in the pixies

But not actually him, right?

FYI @patrickstomlin is still available

New account is up: NoahTannenbaum4

Patrick makes Matarese look self-aware. I hate him.

He made Twitter tho

In the sense that cumios made NASA

The fun has only just begun. Wait till he has an unverified account trying to report a previously suspended account for impersonation.

New account up @PatrickTomlinsonXYZ


HAHA, HOLY SHIT! Artie, say some more words that rhyme with binks!

Now I’m confused.

Project Papa?

I've been impersonated half a dozen times already

He really thinks he is big and hated from a fucking virtue signal pro choice tweet a year ago. What a loser.

This feels strangely familiar

It’s a blatant disregard of Twitter’s rules to get around a ban this way. We mustn’t let this stand. I’ll do my duty and report that account immediately.

He has a bit of that retarded Erock face.

Did his mother drink while pregnant?

ask him

I actually messaged him on Facebook yesterday asking him if he thinks he's funny and he replied with "sorry your parents never loved you and you have nothing in your life you're proud of" and then blocked me.

He definitely wasn't projecting his manchild feelings onto me.

You take your eyes off this place for a few days and already there's some new guy making a complete idiot of themselves - who the fuck is Patrick Tomlinson?!

He ended up arguing with someone on twitter and losing his mind a bit so he got banned. He’s proceeded to cry about it on other platforms since. It’s pretty funny.

All he did was say Norm isn't funny which makes this all the better lmao