#OpieWasRight Addendum: When you really think about it now, Uncle Paul really is more creepy than he is funny. Opie was just telling us it unnerved him because he knew things about Jimmy that we didn't.

13  2018-09-18 by lifeobenreilly

Scherioushly folksh, after you see Vosh at the Shtressh Factory, ashk yourshelvesh - what ish on thoshe hard drivesh in the bank vault?


Or he couldn't help but see Nana getting excited when Uncle Paul was around.

I never thought that shit was funny. It just came off as Jim trying to be an edgelord


But, also, you’re gay tho.

You don't need to "really think about it." None of jim's characters were ever funny and anyone who thinks they were is an asshole.

The only Times Uncle paul were funny was when he was on the phone with that sandusky book guy and when he made the joke about sticking his you know what through the crib bars and her going at it like a gerbil on a water bottle.

Nice random capitalization, stupid.