Prop comic

7  2018-09-17 by RBuddCumia


I find it more and more annoying when Jim talks about Chip as a separate person.

I think It's kind of a Fez Whatley/ Todd Hillier thing.

Please don’t insult the great Fez Whatley like that.

Tsss yeah soup ain't a meal or summit

Would ya look at this. Another Knickers.

Being a prop act (with a stolen act) has given him the most success of his entire career, yet there's no shame from Earthworm Jim. Thankfully the popularity of Chip seems to be dwindling.

Seems like he went from ripping off the jerky boys to ripping off neil hamburger

Who ripped off Andy Kaufman

The chip Podacast should have been a single season run.

"... prideful jolt of weekend laughs." What the fuck does that mean?

That’s what Norton calls anal penetration.

Wow Vanyaland reported on it?! Who gives a fuck worm.


Is that Chip Z'Nuff?


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It’s not funny and I never found it funny.

why is chip dressing up like that faggot sayan

I never understood the comedy of this character.