Can someone explain to me who Patrick Tomlinson is?

14  2018-09-17 by RBuddCumia


See for yourself. It's pretty disturbing.

Seems like a real jerk.

I'm not a fan of how he treats women. 2018 is no place for misogyny.

Someone needs to remind him that #MeToo is all about NOT objectifying women. His perviness towards underage girls should not be tolerated. He is a bad ally to women and his career should be ruined.

The photo comments are probably better than anything he's ever actually tweeted.

He's a left wing open mic comedian/author. He came on this subs radar because he made a virtue signalling tweet about Norm MacDonald. And then magically his Twitter account got suspended right after that. And he's taking the suspension of his Twitter worse than Anthony.

Don't forget that his Twitter blew up because he posted a clickbait-friendly "pro-choice thought experiment DESTROYS alt-right anti-choice activists!" thread, not because of his comedy or writing.

He probably realizes he caught lightning in a bottle with that horseshit and knows he won't get back to the same follower count.

Jew broad, fights draculas.

Typical cishet white male

It sounds condescending when you say it.

He does the same "back to obscurity" schtick that Nana does. A behavior which I've learned activates true hate in me.

Seems he is a holocaust denier from the recent threads here

I think he's a sci-fi author, but his main claim to fame is that he's a Twitter troll.