Jim said they made progress on new contract but still not there...

61  2018-09-17 by Sippycupofpee

Get ready for 2 more years of shitting uncontrollably and phone surfing....


A couple of weeks ago he was talking as if they were really low balling and he was going to leave. If he takes the bitch offer they are going to give him then he is a whole new level of worm.

Just last week he did that. Wasn't it tuesday or wednesday or something? They're really making progress=I am taking a fifty percent cut in pay and I got nowhere else to go

I believe that’s it. He was talking how low even his standards were and how it would even hurt his pride. He made it seem like going elsewhere would be more tolerable than the disrespect they were showing.

There is no elsewhere unless he wants to go work for Gomez

Management eventually made it work sniff

Of COURSE he's going to take the offer. He always was.

That means he's going to work for next to nothing, just to keep talking into a mic with a corporate logo on it so he feels relevant. Expect him to get even more self-indulgent.

I bet considering how mad he was getting that Opie and Jim’s lack of popularity was affecting his show attendance, that he will blame and resent Sam for this. He will get really passive-aggressive with him like he did with Opie towards the end.

Well that and promote his gigs on a national platform. Which is not a small consideration.

fuck that show

How easygoing are Sirius to even think about paying these two talentless, unprofessional trashbags anything more than minimum wage to churn out their dogshit every day?

There are zero standards on Sirius because you don't have to draw ratings, you just have to exist. Don't rock the boat.

Look at the "talent pool". Saturated with podcasts. Like many other companies - easy to get complacent with shitty talent.

They resign for less money and Jim will def only be in 4 days a week. So every Friday will be a complete miss with Sam begging low level WWE talent to call or come in.

This wormy fuck isn't smart enough to play hardball with SXM. Ope did it for years because he knew how to play the game. He routinely held out to earn the 3 of them extra millions of $$ and what thanks does he get?

The bitching by the staff about opie holding out really was a new low of faggotry. Oh you didnt know if youd have a job for a few weeks every 2 years? Welcome to every day of at will employeement in real actual jobs (panera). What a bunch of whiny babies.

These are actually very valid points.

These idiots would either cave to the bare minimum because they have no standards, or shoot for the moon and be laughed out of the building.

Opie started in the business on his own, being dicked around by cheap PD's who didn't want to pay him. Out of every one of them, he had genuine experience, and it helped him with his agent: fight to get the most, and don't lock in too long when your value keeps going up. It's why they got up so high near the end, because of his efforts.

I'd like to make an ironic joke somewhere in there, but facts are facts: a group of people, most who hated him, and some he didn't even like himself, he fought to get them paid the most they could. How much of a real asshole are you if you set aside personal feelings to do that?

And it's not like Stern where he can sign for 5 years and is a big enough name to weather just about any storm. That limbo killed them after Sex For Sam. They never recovered from that and Opie said as much on the show a few times. He didn't want to get in that situation again. Plus, I don't think management was looking to lock them down to those types of deals. Opie was probably opting for 2 years instead of 3 years.

Exactly? Out of those three, who the hell is smart enough to understand the business? The Kazakhstanian shitheel one racial slur away from working on your air duct, or the bland-eating non-convicted sex offender? Neither, you go with the man who actually knows the business and willingly pursued it. And that same man they hated kept them in the upper bracket of pay - wow, what a bastard huh?

That's one thing Opie doesn't get credit for. People get caught up with his on air antics but he knows radio. He knows what works and how the business generally works. One of the things they should absolutely have been listening to him about was money and contracts. And Ant should know better as well because Opie had never taken him in a bad direction when it came to getting paid.

The only time he said "fuck you" to Ant's spot was when Ant destroyed his own spot after the Times Square tweetfest. And even then, he wanted Ant to meet him for a beer and talk.

The years before, when tge hated each other, he never fucked Ant over. He actually did look out for everyone, but because the baby boys didn't understand how that works they called him a dick.

Buncha fiduciary twinkletoes if ya ask me.

Ant would have Eastside Dave's career if Opie didn't bring him aboard.

Jacking off in a studio naked in front of Louis CK?

A man can always dream...

I got the impression “progress” was they started talking. My previous impression was one low ball take it or leave it offer and then silence

Good for us, 2 more years of entertainment through the sub. I'm guessing in 2020 "The Worm Has Turned" will have been surpassed many times over, likely by Porsalin by himself.

I hope Jim throws Sam under the bus and takes the show solo. Or vice versa.

I hope one of them fucks over the other just so something entertaining happens.

Jim is going to sign for slightly more than the 60K he made off of the cartoon. SXM knows neither of these clowns has anywhere to go. There is tension between J&S as Jim is tired of Sam's condescending.

Every time a big time guest is in studio that doesn't know Jim's past (Monster Rain, Tranny Love etc.), someone that Jim is trying to "impress", Sam brings it up, like a little bitch, or like a crab in a bucket keeping the other from climbing out.

Jim is going to sign for less just to be rid of Sam. If I'm Sam I'd start kissing his ass now.

What a fool. We all know you're taking the contract you gutless worm. Stop trying to play tough guy, everyone sees right through it.

Jim going after the scrapes that dignified radio legend Greg "Opie" Hughes refuses.

Of course he’ll re-sign. He’s just throwing a tantrum because he’s not worth as much as he used to be.

Why is he giving incremental updates on nothing?

I already canceled my subscription. But I’ll still be disappointed if they renew these assholes. Jim needs a wake up call. He needs to go over to Anthony’s network, for better or worse, to see if maybe after a couple of weeks they can remember how to be funny together. I don’t like hating him. And I don’t hate him, really, I guess. I don’t even hate Sam - he brought us Jocktober for fuck sakes. I sort of enjoyed their show, to be honest, until the last six months where it became unlistenable. Let’s be honest here. I am the biggest fan left on this reddit for any of these guys and even I don’t want them renewed.

Does the Wurm think that The Fans are going to rise up and flood SXM with calls, emails, tweets etc demanding that the company do everything they can to keep J&S? Doesn't The Wurm realize more people are rooting against him than for him? He has a better chance of feeding nana then he does getting what he wants.