Brother Joe made a new website >>

296  2018-09-17 by nomadiqqq


Holy shit. You registered What did that set you back - $30?

$14.99 actually.

That asshole didn't reserve the name for himself? LOL

Thank you sir. I'm gonna do some blackhat shit on Google to get this ranking shouldn't be too hard as Joe doesn't have a ton of content out there. The /u/beigefrequency video is already the #1 vid in the YouTube results for the Joe Cumia keyword.

Hey man in case he sues you, try and make it somewhat obvious it’s a parody. It’s what saved the owner of “” when screech sued him

/u/nomadiqqq please take this guy's advice. You can add the language in small print on your About page.

Done, added it to the About page. Good lookin out guys.

Even better than I expected! Good job.

if he sues you can you please go on peoples court? and include on the website the nudes he posted of the judge so it can be evidence

'These images were created by online terrorists on Imgur, your honor.'

Why not take out PPC ads and force him to bid on his own name? Eliminate even more of his poultry allowance.

"paltry", you cock.

We got any KFC left back there

Fresh out, Boss.

How many chickens is he allowed to get each week?

That asshole didn't reserve the name for himself?

No he still thinks "Brother Joe" is his brand.

On Joe's indiegogo page it links to but of course he's too cheap to pay for it.

That's for people who matter.

I'm beginning to think Joe might not be that smart...

He probably thinks you just magically get a free domain of your own name cause it belongs to you.

Pennies on the dollar!

I have I'll give you that for free if you make a website for it

Sounds good. I'm also working on this one at the moment: >>

i just snorted coffee all over my monitor. its unbelievable how dumb tranth and keith are.

The hero we don't deserve, sir.

Can you just redirect it to Geoffrey Arnold's penis?

how could you not own that url if youre anthony...oh god..those idiots

Only put me back $14.99.

for those not in the know, that's PER YEAR, not month... year!

If you have a database connection handy, you can take over, too.

You can set up an AWS s3 bucket to automatically redirect to the joe cumia site and also log ip addresses in cloud watch. It's super easy toke like maybe 5 minutes.

Jesus. I thought it was actually Joe.

What about

Yiu should include the contact information for his musical experience. Im surr many would wish to book it


I can’t tell if this is real or not.

The People's Court videos are the highpoint of his career, so I think he just wants a place to store them where they can live on forever.

Are you just going to keep changing the links when those vids get taken down?

That's a good point, I will download a copy of them instead of an embed. Good lookin' out.

Maybe post Bennington making fun of him too? That’s got to hurt Joe


just use or something

We are in business >

Nice work

its gonna be weird in a few months when this site blows up as a haven for hosting copyright stricken shit from smaller companies

Not sure why he would want to keep such a triumph in his life private. I mean, he won AND got the girl.

Glad somebody finally took the plunge with this. Hoping all Joe's public hilarity's will be hosted here 👍

Yes, this is just the soft launch. I have some ideas I will be building out this week.

God be with you, no bs.

This sub gets more entertaining by the week. Thanks for your service.

Perhaps a Joe shop with links to his favourite merch from around the web? Like a Stratocaster for 11 dollars or a XXL sons of anarchy hoodie

Pro Hillary pins.

a frying pan...

Black face paint

I honestly feel lucky to have found this place, it’s constantly entertaining

Ive been lurking here for 3 years, and I am always waiting for the day when this sub runs out of material and becomes uninteresting. But that day just never comes. There's always something new around the corner. Its amazing.

There's definitely bad seasons. 2 weeks of [Insert giant animal] "Bobby Kelly Quote" combos with hundreds of upvotes leaves a sour taste.

The Opie is great bit is slowing down (thankfully)

That whole thing just made me feel dirty.... moreso.

It's not a bit dickhead, Opie turned out to be the only decent person from the show fuckface

I guess I weren't that close to show

Nice grammar, stupid

Probably a Coonmia fan.

Yeah stupid I'm a cumia fan. Fucking newfag

That's exactly how a Cumia fan woulds react. Have a nice day.

You guys should have lunch at Panera Bread and talk it out. Me and my mom do that when I get upset. They let me use my employer discount even though she pays.

ANYone remember tetf fart barr barr?

Guess you forgot to lurk

Excuse me, aren't you forgetting to say a specific something!???

oooo Feed my Sweet Nonna Cumia

Ahhh, there it is!

Remember when Jim released his "new" standup earlier this year and all the faggots around here praised it and acted like it was good (it was trash, and saying that would get you downvoted)?

Remember when Jim was hinting at suicide via Chip and all the faggots around here suddenly started gargling his balls and praising him?

Let's not get carried away; this place has its lows, just like every other subreddit.

Yes. I have been shitting onNorton's horrible Chip character for 6-8 months before it was fashionable and suffered -30 downvotes. Now I feel vindicated.

It had a few goods months. Actually more like 1 or 2. Some people clinged on to it, probably people who weren't paying attention to how repetitive and 1-joke-wonder it was. The fact it was a complete disaster without Ant, even early on, was a big enough indicator.

Remember people here are rarely fully invested or aware as others. Sometimes it takes time/perspective.

Plus most people are retarded and need it to be force fed for them to realize.

Chip was tolerable when it was the occasional bit... Now it's just awful. Now, I'd pay a monthly subscription for Uncle Paul to do a regular show.

I was overjoyed when #FeedNana attained critical mass.

it really reminds me of Something Awful on the old internet

You're doing God's work here, pal.

I hope Brother Joe sues you and takes you to People’s Court.

Round 2

"It's a hosting site called wordpress, your majesty"

your majesty

Holy shit

Diction is a bit too perfect for Oswald Bates Cumia.

"I knew a long time ago when I got the infamous Opie & Anthony show started years ago that my day would come. You pay your dues, and good things happen."

You sir truly are a wordsmith.

I think Joe needs to post all his racist tweets on his website!!! you...........your good my friend

Nicely done. Could you perhaps add a section for Joe's little essays?

Maybe something like "The Book of Joe" which has it's own sections like "Joe on Technology" for his alt+ctrl+del exploits or "Joe on Business Ethics"... u/dropngo regularly does some wonderful pulls from Joe's writings, maybe he has them archived.

anyway to get a frying pan icon to take you to a domestic abuse hotline or something?

That would also be a mighty nice mouse icon.

You need to go back and randomly capitalize some words so that everyone knows exactly how much of a stupid asshole joe Cumia is.

You really need to post the collection of his racist tweets and facebook posts on this site.

Joe is ready to take a boat down to panama to find you.

I'm in shitty Canada.

Thanks for your service.

I know this wasn’t Joe because this website lacks the brother Joe cringe brand.


I love this place. I also love that you made it look like a site a 60 year old man would think is top of the line design.

Yeah, I am actually a decent web developer at times, but I wanted to make the site feel really shitty like Joe designed it himself.

His 2U site is just atrocious so you did a good job emulating it.

it needs a under construction flashing sign circa geocities.

I’ve heard from so many people how difficult it is to make a realistically shitty looking website on purpose, you did great work here so far. Thrilled that you’re just getting started!

Screeshot free Sons of Anarchy font for the logo, free wordpress theme with terrible max-width %, basic text font, no subheads.

dont you have to dox yourself to register a page?

I own my own company, so if Joe tries to doxx me I'll just take it out of the corporate account and put it into my personal chequing.

but then hed still know who you are, right?

You can also just invest in whois protection.

It looks like he did

backup the site often, this will turn into a saga similar to piratebay with mirrors running it from chad.

no, you can buy privacy protection from most hosts where they don't show your info for the whois lookup, now granted for illegal activity they would have to disclose the owner info IF there was a warrant, this takes forever to get done even with real pedophiles which as we know Joe is not.

This is great.

Wonderful. But I feel you should mention a few times that you are NOT a pedophile. Randomly and in an abrupt non-sequitur fashion of course.

"I knew a long time ago when I got the infamous Opie & Anthony show started years ago that my day would come."

Opie please comment. You'd be nobody without Joe, according to Joe.

Post the David Duke interview in the Joe Cumia Show section and write about how proud he was to feature Dr Duke

"He didn't say 'nigger,' but he was still a good guest."

Not HTTPS makes it more believable.


This is a work of art. I have seen many sites but this take the love for brother joe

to a new level

This site shall be our rendezvous point in case something happens to the sub reddit

Yes. It needs a message board of its own.

The Facebook and Twitter should link to Rich Vos

Is taken?

This has boundless potential, great work. He should have an entire section denying the pedophilia accusations that have hounded him.

Bravo, sir... Bravo!


I think it's a great place for him to store some archived twitter postings... this way the trolls can't make imager posts with photoshop to besmirch his good name.

Joe here, for those who do not know, I am the brother of famous and talented radio DJ Anthony Cumia. I too have many talents like music, podcasting and so many other things, I am also a father.

How sad is it that the #1 thing you list to describe yourself is the fact that you are someone elses brother?

Joe here, for those who do not know, I am the brother of famous and talented radio DJ Anthony Cumia. I too have many talents like music, podcasting and so many other things, I am also a father.

thank you lord for the deluded dopes you have bestowed us

When the street interviewer asked the crowd for their thoughts and aimed the mic at the black woman first I almost died

"street interviewer"???? You do know that's the famous jew/gay/TMZ/lawyer Harvey Levin, don't you??

He deserves more than just Street Interviewer!!

Did someone Tweet him yet to praise him for the launch of his new website? Might as well ask him if there will be an IPO for "BrotherJoe Enterprises" also.

You should present it as a fan site rather than making it seem like it's him. I feel like there is less chance of him being able to do a damn thing about it that way.

Think if we get enough fake support we can get a bro joe show at CM? That would be so much sub content

good god you people are fucking hilarious. better than the show! is also available?

Little more expensive, if I get a big raise I'll bid on it.

Fucking STELLAR work. Shit like this is why i keep coming to this sub.



Name: WhoisGuard Protected Registrar: Namecheap

my man! good job

Rule number one of modern life: Own your own domain name to avoid shit like this from happening.

Fucking awesome.

How can we get this to rank right below his website?

In the interim - can we fundraise to throw some money against buying his keywords and showing this ad above his listing (PPC)? I can't imagine too much search volume for that dolt - so maybe a conservative $5/day must have been taken.

I'm glad Brother Joe finally landed on his feet.

You bought this domain, coded this site, wrote this content..built to live just on the cusp of truth. Even SAMCRO would read and believe this. You're a sick individual.

Just when I thought I was pathetic...

Yeah, I am actually a decent web developer at times, but I wanted to make the site feel really shitty like Joe designed it himself.

Ive been lurking here for 3 years, and I am always waiting for the day when this sub runs out of material and becomes uninteresting. But that day just never comes. There's always something new around the corner. Its amazing.

Little more expensive, if I get a big raise I'll bid on it.

it really reminds me of Something Awful on the old internet