"For your mental health you should go for a jog" Jess to Sam

96  2018-09-17 by Dennyislife

She's had it.


Because he’s a skinny fat mess. He has not aged well at all.

He's not skinny fat he's fat, just because you have zero muscle mass doesn't mean you're skinny fat.

If your quads are four inches around and you haven't been paralyzed for the past 5 years, you might qualify for skinny fat.

She's trying anything so she doesn't have to justify waking-up to that mess.

Plus if he's out running there is a chance he could be mugged or hit by a car.

Do you still listen to Jim and Sam? How do you manage it?


its a legit great show, just discovered it like a few months ago.

Going for a jog isn't going to cure his shitty eating habits and his addiction to man on man hugging sports

Could you imagine cooking a nice dinner, like a good white lasanga with spinach, and your husband comes home and says "GROSS, I'm just gonna microwave some Pizza Pockets..."

I give their marriage another two years at best. No woman will want to grow old with Sam.

Now I'm fucking starving. We got any white lasagna back there Earl?

Fresh out, boss.

He'd sullenly walk down to his basement "studio" and start up a stream to 4-25 viewers and speak just loud enough about how pretentious it is to use expensive cheese in a meal just loud enough that his wife could hear it.

I give their marriage another two years at best.

its not like Sam suddenly became this way, she knew what she was getting into, no way in hell has Jess ever cooked a day in her life.

I'd wager that she thought she could change him. That it was something he would grow out of as he aged. Now he's 35 and she's realizing there was never anything she could have done. Not even having his child made him grow up.

The resentment and bitterness will only grow from here and with a bit of luck, she'll start physically abusing him. Thoughts and prayers for Jess.

In other words: "You should leave the house so I can fuck someone else"

This isn't the first time she's said something like this. Remember when she urged him to go see some shitty movie before coming home from work? All these instances adding up to his obliviousness is hilarious. Divorce soon.

She wants him to actually use those stupid sneakers that he buys for what they meant to be used for - athletics.

I promise you that if he went jogging, he would wear a big wrestling championship belt while doing so

No way, those things are like 10 lbs. I kinda doubt he could make it one block with one of those toy, Styrofoam belts around his waist.

I'd bet he didn't commit to the 'jog', just mined along for a bit then walked round the block, then had a little run as he got near home so he'd be slightly out of breath.

Translation: "D'shawn is coming over whether you are here or not, do yourself a favor and go for a walk"

Sam was never a good looking guy but now Jess is so far above him she is looking for a way out. I can’t believe a girl like that would allow a mutant to impregnate her.

No woman has more justification to cheat with Tyrone than Jess

It goes full circle : the child of cuckoldry is being cheated on.

She’s fucking Anthony?

She probably snapped that at him as she was watching him eat some ironybro man-baby meal and going through all the all-time best WWE Hell in a Cell matches that he put on VHS tapes twenty years ago and started watching on a nineteen inch television.

Something Sam does is he makes his wife watch really old professional wrestling matches with her and last night was a PPV so she might have got the "Captive Audience" treatment.

Forget a divorce, one of these days she's gonna poison his half-gallon Coca-Cola. He's antagonizing his wife into a murder attempt.

Going out to eat with him must be he'll for her. All she wants is a gentleman; someone to hold her in his strong arms and make her feel safe, a man who knows enough about wine not to make the peasant mistake of ordering a grape variety "do you have any merlot/chardonnay?" A man who will pull out her chair and order normal food.

Instead she stares at her menu, face burning, as her husband (fast approaching middle age) asks the waiter why the nouvelle cuisine restaurant she picked out doesn't serve boneless chicken wings.

Hopefully her next husband is a complete Alpha who raises Sams kid to be the same. When Sam comes for visitation he has to look down at his feet while the Alpha tells HIS kid to behave for the visit.

maybe he slaps sam around a little in front of the kid too

"For your mental health you should stop listening" - Tom to all Peckas

I remember for years they would talk Jess up on air as-if Sam managed to catch an 8 or 9 but then you see her and she's maybe a 6?

Not no mo. time hasn't treated her well either. Can only imagine the depression that is brought on being a prisoner to this monster

Link to a picture of her? I wanna see her now.


They did the same with Patrice's gf, never with Opie's wife tho, who is the only truly beautiful one of the three.

I have no sympathy for Sam's wife because she married Sam. She was hoping this weasly loser would be big in broadcasting and she could cash in on a divorce.

If Sam tried jogging I can guarantee his legs would fall apart at the joints like Forest Gump’s leg braces did.

Where is this from? Don't tease this shit. This needs to be fed to porsalin

Sam said it when talking about how disgusting his body is today.

How did he say he responded?

Sam's stressing out about this contract thing I bet.

What he left out is, she wants him to jog at night. In the street. Wearing dark clothing.

She is hoping, along with everyone else, that he gets mowed down by a city bus.

He's not skinny fat he's fat, just because you have zero muscle mass doesn't mean you're skinny fat.

Fresh out, boss.