So someone here got this Pat Tomlinson guy banned from twitter, and now he's obsessed with us. We should call him...

127  2018-09-17 by Ant_Sucks

Stalker Paddy.

<--- Don't forget to upvote that quality bit of wordplay before Bick Bickerson takes the credit.


Did anyone here really have anything to do with it? I assumed it was just someone he was arguing with, which he did 24 hours a day.

There were people from here prodding him, but honestly only a few from what I saw. He was actively fighting with a shitload of people, though. So who knows? Could have been someone from here, could have been a Trumplet or pro-lifer. The guy actively boasted that he trolled people from "the other side", so he's got enough people who hate his smug bullshit that it really could have been anybody.

Yeah but he has RECEIPTS. RECEIPTS, god dammiy that prove it was us evil rightwing trolls

When it suits me, pretending to be a conservative troll is a lot of fun. Much more than pretending to be a leftist troll, too many rules and forced faggotry. Plus, right wing trolls actually get to be creative, unlike the left who just go after their enemy's jobs and family (sounds familiar doesn't it? It's almost verbatim a tactic used by this gay sub).

The only thing I saw was that he bragged about having 10x followers of the DeadRoe account and the DeadRoe account said something about troll accounts not having followers. He made a huge leap to this mass fake reporting conspiracy apparently based on a single interaction with a single account.

I think it was interacting with all six of my dead roe accounts that got to him. He's one of these faggots like Ant that likes to get his shot in and block you before you can retort. He acts like such and internet tough guy, but he's another one of these pussies that wants to start shit with someone and block them before they can finish it.

I think it was interacting with all six of my dead roe accounts that got to him. He's one of these faggots like Ant that likes to get his shot in and block you before you can retort. He acts like such an internet tough guy, but he's another one of these pussies that wants to start shit with someone and block them before they can finish it. The fact that ol' Zombie Roe kept coming back from the dead to respond to his shitty comebacks rattled him, I think. Too used to controlling when the argument ends.

interacting with all six of my accounts

He's one of these faggots

He acts like such an internet tough guy

one of these pussies that wants to start shit with someone

This dude u/FoetusCorruptus has SpaceEdge on direct PM line whenever someone on the sub gets a little too edgy for him

Talk about "internet tough guy"

dup btfo

dup btfo

could have been a Trumplet

Do you have a H-dawg tattoo you scratch every night to replace with scar tissue, or are you so fucking edgy you don't even care either way

Sir, this sub's with her.

Upvote this if you unironically agree with his statement.

It wasn't someone from here. He got abusive with MAGA twitter

No, but being the faggot that he is, he's fashioned this nutty conspiracy in his head where there's a Trump supporter out there that's been trying to "get him" for months now and rallied us against him. It doesn't occur to him that he annoys a large number of people out there from different walks of life, he thinks everyone that fucks with him are all connected.

We should take credit for it anyway.

Honestly? Since he seems to think that already and it has him furious, more power to him. I'm waiting for him to blame all his 1-star Amazon reviews on us even though we didn't know he existed a week ago.

Well a lot of them appears to have come in in the last 24 hours

Meh. A few of them. Most of them date back two months ago.

I haven't seen White Supremacist Patrick Tomlinson or his goons on here.

I'm confused. Is he White Supremacist Patrick Tomlinson or Nazi Patrick Tomlinson?

Both, as well as jihadist Patrick Tomlinson

Yes, thank you. Forgot that one. Does he still go by Zionist Patrick Tomlinson as well?

He looks like he got beat up in high school. I want to punch his chubby face.

Your fist would get stuck

Homerun Sir

I don't know who this guy is. I just saw his reaction. Can anyone give me background?

he said he never found norm macdonald funny

That homophobic bastard had me banned from twitter for 12 hours just because i shared a beautiful and of Anth sucking brother Joe's dick with him

He's the most doughy man I've ever seen. He's a perfect representative for what kind of shit person comes out of having overprotective parents

You don't think his father encouraged competitive sports and risk-taking?

who the fuck is Pat Tomlinson?

His Facebook is full of very interesting wall posts that could be considered controversial. Would be a shame if he lost that as well.

You don't think his father encouraged competitive sports and risk-taking?