ME: I'm gonna look like a real badass if I flip the bird to the camera *sniff* yep, that's a good bit.

7  2018-09-17 by masao50025


weird that myspace is still going but only some of their photos still work

there were some videos on the other opie and anthony myspace page but unfortunately none of them worked. And if I had to guess half of the photos and videos dont work because of the abhorrent myspace redesign a few years ago. Should've just let it die.

That guy in the first pic looks like a giant baby.

there were some good blunders on jim's personal myspace though

this is probably the best "blunder" i could find of anthony


I know, right? Get a thesaurus motherfucker.

They're not even blunders.

I sure hope this post isn't poking any fun at Opie, because he *is* looking pretty badass.

So edgy. This guy J walks.

Get your cameras out of the man’s face for Christ’s sake! Let the master be among his devotees in peace. Radio Kingpins deserve privacy too.

That gesture from Op is completely appropriate here.

Nice try with the hate brothaman

Avril Lavigne flips the bird in photos , and she rocks harder than anyone.

Nothing says rebellious like a guy who looks like every other guy at a Dave Matthews it Grateful Dead concert.

Anyone who upvoted this should be drawn and quartered.

Check out the empties, mahn
