Middle of the Road Joe now copying Norton's gimmick

0  2018-09-16 by FlashVirus


"Yeah man I dunno it's a tough one. Some articles say there's a coordinated attack on white farmers. Others say otherwise. I'm just reading the news, man."

if you scroll up he seems obviously against it, saying that even a black congressman is against the killings. he brought that up to mock the "only white supremacists care about the killings" narrative. rogans diatribes are infuriating and middle of the road most of the time but he chose a side here

Norton has braver stances than Rogan because he's desperately in need of the acceptance of Hollywood people who don't know he exists, Rogan is desperately in need of the acceptance of Sam Harris who will text him to let him know if he has any unsafe thoughts that he better get back in line.

Why do you care about stances so much

I see him clearly picking a side. Something that Norton never did. And this is from someone that hates all Rogans.

Hes been doing it for a while. Rogan's sub is an indication of how many fags listen to him now and Joe has sold out to entertain said fags. He even shit talked his best friend Eddie Bravo since Joe is off the conspiracy thing.

Eddie Bravo is a fucking imbecile who should be reminded every time he opens his mouth.

Still talking shit Joe
