Am I wrong or has Anthony's book release already been delayed? (it's also already discounted)

30  2018-09-16 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


"And Rise Again"

Did ya?

According to Amazon customers who bought this also bought "Fresh Balls Lotion the Solution for Men - 3 pack - 3.4 OZ"

According to Amazon customers who bought this also bought "Fresh Balls Lotion the Solution for Men - 3 pack - 3.4 OZ"

Now, I didn't buy the book (just watch the /u/BeigeFrequency documentary), but I do buy Fresh Balls and it's awesome.

Just was yourself properly you grotty cunt


I warsh mysef wit a rag on a stick

Fairs fair

It’s amazing that “radio’s most notorious shock jock” is having such a hard time selling his book. Do you think a single person in the world would answer “anthony cumia” if you asked who the most notorious shock jock on radio was???

Yes, but then he was fired from Sirius. Now they've delayed the book to add "...and fall again" to the cover.

The book isn't out and they have dropped the price which means the pre-orders are pouring in.

Im sure the same marketing strategy of dropping the price 34% was employed for other popular books such as the twilight or harry potter franchises

If I remember right, wasn't it supposed to come out in October?

In regards to the discount, what's funny is that Amazon has a policy on pre-orders where if the price drops at all before something is released, anyone who pre-ordered at the higher price gets refunded the difference. So anyone who paid full price at $27 will now get it for $17.70. If Keith had waited until release day to lower the price, they would have gotten more money. Not a lot more, mind you, since the book has only sold 200 copies, but still.

How do you know it sold 200 copies?

There is a site that measures sales and it has sold about 200 copies and that number stagnated after it was initially put up online

Because the site got cut off from Amazon for TOS violations. (And all it was doing was trying to reverse engineer the Amazon "Sales Rank" in any case- it had no access to actual preorder numbers)

I think it was always November.

It was but it doesn't matter.

I am willing to rewrite history and say that it was supposed to come out in October, but has now been delayed to November for reasons relating to the low quality of the book. Is anyone else a big enough man to join me?

I am technically obese.

Feed Nana

I would but I am questioning my sexuality.

He’s just being responsible and doesn’t want his release to sway the general election.

Can't wait for Nigel Igger to leave an honest review.

Or his mother, Anne.

Or his brother Justin

I ain't buying that shit.

But it's the "#1 new release in 'General Broadcasting'". Man that must be a tough category to crack.

Well with a category where half the top ten is given over to just 2 books broken down into their formats, and the kindle version (# 5) of one of those (audible # 3, hardcover # 9) is itself also number 1 in a category called dating, relationships and spirituality, so i think we can all be fairly confident that "general broadcasting" is not some bullshit Mickey mouse subcategory invented to create the illusion of a title being a best seller.

That's a pretty deep discount if you ask me. What a deal!


Foreword by Jim Norton?

Foreskin by brother Joe

Arabs get circumcisions

This is not going to go well.

In all honesty he is 3 years too late with the book.

He was at a position of advantage then, he still had the fanbase, and he actually appreciated their support.

His problem is he went all Battlefield 5, or female Ghostbusters, told people to fuck off, and people did.

Too late, there is nothing in there we don't know, but I bet there is a lot of explaining certain embarrassing situations.

I can't wat to see the horseshit he made someone else write then approve it...

Because without Opie, Keith, his writers. he wouldn't be able to do shit.

He is a fucking soyboy who is slowly going crazy from losing his easy life, and denying his own behavior in the downfall.

He is a sad man on the verge of obscurity, this shitty book is an extinction burst, a violent lashing out against a paradigm shift.

He is a sad man on the verge of obscurity

He's been comfortably there for a long time now

Nice choice of words B.F. Skinner jr.


This book is at least 4 years too late

Ha! 34% off before release. Everything this old cunt touches fails.

I can't wait to hear how Anthony is going to blame this on liberals and anonymous trolls.


They offered another $1.09 off at checkout so it’s $17.71 with tax and free shipping if I wanted to buy it.

I think ordering one and then canceling just before release is a good idea. Dangle that carrot

The ship date of November 20th is the anniversary of 24 Nazi leaders put on trial at Nuremberg. Coincidence? I think not

I am willing to rewrite history and say that it was supposed to come out in October, but has now been delayed to November for reasons relating to the low quality of the book. Is anyone else a big enough man to join me?