
40  2018-09-16 by TheDreidelMan


Fag or not, they made good music back in the day

Can't deny that they had some good songs. But the guy is an unbearable hypocrite and a bore.

Is this about his comments on Sweden?

He's a bitch.

No, it's about two different things:

  1. His self-righteousness and hypocrisy

  2. My bitch rage about repeatedly failing to beat the final level of "System Shock 2" today

Well, at least you have great taste in videogames. Don't be so hard on yourself, you'll bring down Shodan soon!


Did they?

There’s three or so good u2 albums. They’ve become a complete embarrassment though.

You didn't like how 'catorce' came after 'tres?'

the sound of a dolphin discovering fun

Bono is the biggest turkey in the music industry. I went to a u2 concert at giants stadium about 10 years ago because friends had the tickets and I couldn’t stop cringing.

Oh sweet Christ I totally forgot about that shit song

The Unforgettable fire is pretty soothing

I always liked Van Diemen's Land.

It's sung by the edge though.

U2 has always been awful. You're looking back with rose tinted glasses stronger than the ones bono is wearing here. That is to say you're a stupid old faggot. U2 is not and never was good. Garbage music for garbage people. That's why brojoe has devoted his faggot life to being a "tribute" to them. You stink.

I've never liked them but saying they aren't and never were good is just hyperbole.


I thought Robin Williams was dead?

Wow.Keith Richards looks like shit.

i wont watch bands i liked 10 years ago, what fucking subhumans go see 65 year olds sing about politics

65 year old cover band members

Don't say negative things about Gene.

Always said Bono was a poor man's Gene.

Too far

You don't like his glasses? prehistoric marmoset laughter

The MDE scent is strong in this thread

No, you just like Bono too much.

Of all the people to defend, you chose this Gene cosplayer?

We've been racist since before the mde sub even existed. I see you faggots in the Cumtown sub policing problematic content by labeling it part of an mde raid. If you try pull that shit here I'll hunt you down and rape you Nigger. Nobody fall for this concern troll queer nonsense.

Youre not discovering anything new about elton john

The money for His hair, makeup and glasses could feed all of the poor children in Central America.

This man is hatred personified

U2 has to be the shittest band that is popular. no wonder that complete ass hole and idiot, Bro Joe Cum, has an entire band that imitates them. he could have done any other band - Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Metallica and he picks the biggest pile of dog shit. i fucking hate joe so much.

Thank you

Didn't he play a nazi in that Tarantino movie? His guy is alright in my book

Diversity loving douche