Bobo looking for more handouts

29  2018-09-16 by ShitDickery


Look at his fat fucking hands.

how u think he got that papercut?

prob from doin somethin retarded

He probably can't enjoy a retard's favorite pleasure of picking his nose with those fat fingers

But his arsehole must get quite the workout

Ice qwueem

if you like baseball always remember that daniel bobo kurlan likes baseball

I watched some of the World Series last year just because of how much Bobo likes it. I also gave NASCAR a chance because of being jealous of his glee.

I want to feel something like he does.

Baseball is just too goddamn slow-paced, but NASCAR turned out to be pretty rad.

They have real races sometimes with no restrictor plates that are great, but other times they have forced restrictor plates which are like the governors on a Uhaul that won't let it go over 65, so all the cars experience woke equality, and then they don't have the power/ability to speed up and get around each other, so one asshole fucks up by a micrometer and clips the tiniest portion of a different car's fiberglass chassis, and then all these poor hillbilly bastards start colliding into each other at 250mph and start exploding or bursting into flames or doing 30 flips over 700 yards, it's amazing.

Thanks, Bobo.

Don't make fucking demands like that

My mistake, I guess I really got too big for my britches!

Well as long as you are admitting it i suppose that's pk

hey great story but can you not comment on my posts all the time thanks

I'll see what I can do

so all the cars experience woke equality,

I know you're "Thesaurus Joe with Hillarhea" levels of happy with how clever you think this line sounds. Thusly, I wish you make open wound contact with your local indigent.

I'll see if my local indigent will consent but just to be clear, boy, I don't make open wound contact with local indigents without it.

nascar is awesome. when I was young I used to collect the lil hot-wheel sized nascar .. cars. you could remove the tires n shit.

Mark Martin in the #6 valvoline car was always my favorite.

This cuts deep. Fuck me.

Of course this fat fuck collects ice cream bowls


Means gimme gimme it for free. He's SAMCRO'S illegitimate son. Two wetbrains fuck=Double the clusterfuck.

Perfectly legal, folks

Literally the only sport his brain can keep up with.

He is also a soccer fan

As a "soccer" fan, I can confirm that only waterbrains can watch a full match. I catch the highlights on Match of The Day which cut out the 88+ minutes of boring shit, and just shows the goals / set ups.

The World Cup was fucking fire though.

I need that subtext of national rivalries to give a care about soccer. When the World Cup is over, I try to give a shit about Arsenal or Barcelona or whatever the fuck for a few weeks, but typically don’t last a few weeks before tapping out back to a Mets v. Phillies game.

I very much enjoy watching my club being destroyed by a bitter old Portugese twat.

He’s not loying, awright.

Why is Bobo holding Vos' hat?

Another unfortunate mishap?

One of you socially awkward autists should offer to send him an ice cream bowl from some random team and get his address so you can stalk his sister.

Someone should offer to take him to a Mets game (you know the Gimmie Dat Kid could never refuse) and just fucking murder him. Let’s get this over with. I’m tired of this retard. Bring a handgun to the diamond and blow his idiotic head off. Enough already.

Why are all Mets fans the biggest mouth breathing fatsos?

An unfortunate mets cap

There is more dignity in wearing a dunce cap

Meanwhile his sister is touring Europe with her northern English boyfriend. I laugh just thinking of him meeting bobo. "Alrigh' mate?"

Ugggh what a needy fucking tard.

E-Rock, heem eat allll the ice cream.

ol tiny fat hands

I mean, at least this is garbage valueless memorabilia that goes in line with his autistic obsessions rather than begging for money or pussy per usual.

I would love for u/porsalin or u/BeigeFrequency to ruin this man's life more than it already inherently has been.

Porsalin said he'll get to him eventually.

Who the fuck pays $41 for bleacher seats?

Guys, I just like ice cream, alroight?

"i love ticket stubs and ice cream bowls" honestly I know hes retarded but gd that is retarded.

Those gorilla hands of his... He’s going to go out and strangle some poor little girl to death one day with those meat mittens and fuck the corpse.

He specifically is the reason I want Anthony to go away. So this balding mongoloid will get no more attention.

Don't make fucking demands like that

hey great story but can you not comment on my posts all the time thanks

so all the cars experience woke equality,

I know you're "Thesaurus Joe with Hillarhea" levels of happy with how clever you think this line sounds. Thusly, I wish you make open wound contact with your local indigent.

nascar is awesome. when I was young I used to collect the lil hot-wheel sized nascar .. cars. you could remove the tires n shit.

Mark Martin in the #6 valvoline car was always my favorite.

Well as long as you are admitting it i suppose that's pk