Yeah, I killed Osama. It's not a big deal though, brotherman! I've been doing this shit since I was 18!!

65  2018-09-16 by HomeRunCumia


Looks nothing like him. Sweet effort though.

I can't find it, but there's a younger photo of Opie where he looks exactly like this. Sunglasses, expression, and hair.

His mouth looks like a perfect vagina

sniff you wanna fuck it?

Heroes tend to look like Opie. Villains look like Jim, Anthony, and Sam.

He actually did a 1 on 1 interview with this guy on the free opie radio podcast, check it out!

He is one handsome sun-kissed bastard.

Opie CK

SAS called, but I'm not going back to that toxic environment.

Seal team Gregg. I need some covering fire brotherman!!

Anyone that upvotes this is gay and ugly.

Mow my lawn

Lick my balls white boy.

Lick my balls white boy.

Seen this guy interviewed. Do you know what a douche you have to be to be the guy who killed the most elusive and hated terrorist leader in history and still come across as an unlikeable prick? It's kind of impressive actually.

The personality traits that makes you part of an elite military task force are often not the same ones that would make you come off as a relatable media personality.

A certain "abrasiveness" is probably to be expected.

It wasn't that. I'm a bit of an abrasive dickhead myself. He seemed like a rube and kind of a dork. He said Get Him to the Greek was his favourite comedy movie. That cast him in a different light.

Haven't seen Get Him to the Greek, but it's probably shit.

The Rose Byrne music video from it is kinda funny though.

That's what the audience wants to know about, what's his favorite comedy movie.

How embarrassing for the muslims that their top guy got offed by a ginger who looks like Coppercab's older brother.

Opie runs when he hears a toilet flush. That is to say he runs to take pics of the poo. He's a scat obsessed freak.

Shuffle off this mortal coil.. sniff

U forgot to say ya cunt at the end


Lotta problems in that Abbottabad Compound!


hes no match for chris "tanto" paranto and his signature shades though

U forgot to say ya cunt at the end