Why the fuck do we like this show

17  2018-09-16 by J0hnEddy

I am painfully aware I'm listening to an alcoholic pedophile, a prostitute stalking worm man, and a washed up, humorless frat boy, but for some reason they've remained a fixture in my life for several years. Something about these 3 degenerates entering my ears is incredibly soothing. Why? What about this archive of retardation captivates us to the point where we gather by the thousands on this sub just to bitch about the show. I have spent a very long time looking for an answer. I don't have one. Do you?


Chemistry brotherman, and It continues to unfold. I dare to say the saga is most interesting now. Spinning out in all directions. True natures revealing themselves, hypocrisy and truth, Bobo dropping an album. we live in exciting times..


I sort of progressed from various stand-up comedians to the cellar crowd to O&A. But then I found Ron and Fez and havent listened to O&A outside of AFRO shows or comedian features. Ant and Jim used to be fucking quick and hilarious tho

I loved O&A, 2007 to 2011 was just about as good as it gets. when I discovered R&F though, I never looked back

Oh yeah? Quick and hilarious? Like “nice hat, I want to remove it with a shotgun”. SO FUNNY! You’re a fag.

I've been listening to a lot of Ron and Fez the last couple of months. I agree their show was better overall. Better characters, more variety of topics and bits and honestly they can be far more vicious than O&A when they want to be. I think it also helps that Ron and Fez protected the brand and seem to have genuine affection and respect for each other.

You gotta enjoy the lore to appreciate the bullying that's going on now. All of them lie about everything throughout the years.

Opie knows you gotta roll with the punches and keep your head on a swivel, never let them see your tits sweat brothaman

Opie was a boob then and is a boob now. A constant in an universe of douches

I think part of Opie's therapy was dealing with the internet hate. So he either avoids it now or it doesn't bother him.


Download some 2006-2011 shows from O&A archive tons of gold there.


The comedians helped. When you listen to old clips do you ever pick one with just them ?

Really I just seek out stuff I haven't heard yet which is getting harder to find, but I know for a fact there's been stuff with just the 3 of them (and ya know occasional input from Sam,Erock, the rest of the staff), that I've laughed at and enjoyed. You're right though that the highest points the show reached were with Patrice, Colin, Vos and so on, I think even the 3 of them would admit that.

I've actually been running through old Howard and Artie shows. Haven't listened to old OnA in a while.

Speak for yourselves, faggots. O&A never was, and still isn’t funny. Even Patrice. Glad he’s dead.

I never listened to O&A, Jim & Sam, or Ants shitty show on CM, this sub is what draws my attention.

Earlier this year I jumped ship to old Ron & Fez, and holy shit is it 100% better. Such a better atmosphere in general. It took some time to warm up but it really is the superior show.

I had the same issue with them for a long time. It's a show that rewards long term listening. But I've come to the same conclusion that they were better.

It seems weird to consider now in present day but at one point the humor and style that developed on the show during its golden years was really novel at the time. I wouldn’t go as far to say that it was counter culture but the way they used to criticize and deconstruct things felt so refreshing in a social climate that has been moving towards a Brave New World “only good vibes allowed!” environment for a while now. Even Howard’s show while undeniably bigger never felt as relatable as O&A did.

I guess it was a show for people who felt like mainstream culture was annoying and alien. I think we just call that autism now but whatever.

I don't hate the old show and never will, but I've run out of it. I'm gonna dive in to R&F. Can anybody recommend a jumping off point?

Pick it up with the first WNEW show available in August 2001 and you can probably safely go through 2008. I would say use your own best judgement there.