Nice three and a half stars, stupid.

3  2018-09-16 by RBuddCumia


a pelicans guide to throwing away your life

He looks like he was corrupting 1930s Germany

This was in the bargain bin outside my local bookstore, I would tell you the price but I didn't want to take 30 seconds to look at it

Can you go back and check for us?

Kumail Lange

Believe me. When Anthony's book is out, 3 and half stars will look amazing.

He looks like a real Shitty Robin Williams

The longer you stare at that cover picture the weirder it gets.

That god awful smile intrigues me and makes me angry.

His first book. “Too fat to fish” was good. But this new one is probably the same stories that he has repeated on podcasts and radio for the past 2 years.

The photoshopped nose gets me every time.

Yer,I'll bet you, your not stoned.