****MAJOR***** Sirius XM offered Opie to replace the Jim & Sam show, Opie has turned them down

189  2018-09-16 by FlashVirus


Opie wins

As he always does.

Opie = Pizza Scorch = Hamburger Jim and Sam = dried out dog shit stuck to the bottom of your shoe

Anthony = Pasta dish from Cheesecake Factory (yuck)

The bologna alfredo

And THAT gives a new meaning to the phrase chicken Alfredo.

Remember how they didn't think chicken alfredo was a thing, and bashed Scorch over it?


Fucking idiots.

Because of Ant’s pockmarks?

Ron & Fez = Steak & Steak

I thought you wrote steak and shake. I also wouldn't disagree with that comparison. Delicious.

In my head, the hamburger steak is implied for Fez. I'm obviously not a comedic master like the Opester

Fezzie would be some very delicate cut that needs to braise at just the right temp. Bennington is a big marbled slab of ribeye. Served with cigar and whiskey, both of which are mandatory.

Fez gets the minced beef

Fez is a half-steak

With a standalone fruit side dish.

You don't have to lie about him being a comedic master. Comedy isn't really his realm, though he's known to bust a joke that kills. Opie is more of the elder statesman of the radio world, having been in radio since 18. Kinda like the Colin Quinn of jocks. But handsome.

But it's called Steak and shake.

Refer to the other comments, Im a scummmmbag

You're perfect just the way you are brotherman

Anthony=Italian sausage and baked apples

Dennis Falcone= an Arby's big Montana

Ron and Fez = Steak and Cake.. horn.

Coming in Spring 2019: Opie & Louie

What a duo they would make! Louie could block the door and crank on his horrible dick while Opie snaps the shit pics.

I'd listen

I'd watch

Even if it was not true - which it is -, Jim and Ant will be so angry about this Tweet.

I can see Jim's stupid passive aggressive comments coming from a mile away:

yeah, man... is this really worth addressing [sam laughing in background]. Apparently... someone who use to work here is in talks to replace our show. I hear this from Twitter.

Not even that...

Sam: We might not even be here much longer judging by our current situation

Jim: Yeah well I hear Sirius is already making phone calls...

Sam: cackles

The Opester ain't got time fo dat.


Opie calls a Tranthony supporter "baby boy" in obvious mockery of the worm

He has crushed them. It's over, Johnny.

After what they did to him? The man has WAY more pride than that

High Road Hughes only kinda argues on twitter n Facebook.

So from the looks of it, they know Jim and Sam are just BOMBING, so they decided to bring Opie back to right the ship, but Opie knew that'd save their Jobs and took a pass. Not that the Opester needs that aggravation *sniff*

Can this bit end now?

  • Actually white, handsome, blue eyes, head full of blond hair
  • Saves SiriusXM earnings so he never has to work again
  • Married to a hot fertile wife who has given him two kids
  • Is not an alcoholic, tranny lover, sexual deviant criminal
  • Does not rely on an alter-ego to remain popular with the kids
  • Is still verified on Twitter with 350k followers
  • Has prime downtown New York real estate instead of a rape dungeon on Long Island
  • Gets fired from SiriusXM, takes them to court, wins and makes them bend the knee
  • Doesn't fall back on 70's sitcoms references to distract from miserable present life
  • Dedicates minimal time and effort to a podcast and still gets paid for it
  • SiriusXM begs to get him back to steer the ship but he's moved on Brotherman

It's not even up for debate that Opie won in the end.

*No dead beat pedo brothers on the payroll

*Has never paid for sex

*Living the American dream with hot wife and two kids

*Never judged his co-hosts obvious immoral behaviour

*step kids


*literally gets to go fishing whenever he damn well pleases

*Brother actually owns his own successful restaurant

*Learned to forgive his own mother and even visited her regardless of her health

*Beautiful wife never once shit the bed from IBS

*The only children that stay in his home are his biological ones instead of strangers kids bribed with iPads


Investor in a thriving restaurant that provides food, drinks, and entertainment to the happy locals.

And also provides his brother with a fulfilling job so that he doesn’t have to beg for money.

Let's not forget:

  • Leaves it alone.

This is key

Hell yeah. I got shit on a few years back for being an Opie defender.

Might be the best post on this damn sub.

Opie is too good for that shit hole. Just download his podcast on iTunes!

I really wish he would take the gig and go back to SXM. Because what they offer us now with the J&S show is so fucking disgustingly bad. I so miss Opie's professionalism and programming and understanting as to how to run a radio show, compared to Jim and Sam.

I believe him. The Opester has always had a reputation for being 100% truthful.

And he wouldn't tell us if he's lying

Opie shouldn't work with Norton again. Sirius should also move on from O&A.


Not only is Opie one of the most refreshingly honest personalities and commentators the world over, but here he shows a bright example of his own selflessness. He is beyond humble, as evidence by the fact that he just wants to do his own thing now and he didn't wanna fuck with Sam and Jim's gig to be perfectly honest. It's tainted anyway, so he was just like nah no thanks.

To be perfectly honest, Tim Sabean insisted that Opie stream his first podcast live on the big jumbo screens at Time Square. Sorry Tim "Work-Shitter" Sabean, but Opie has a little more integrity than that. We gatta do this HIS way. That means going camping with his Puerto Rican work friend....... Brothamanhood.

Opie is a millionaire. He does not need to work at Sirius. He can enjoy his life with his kids. Nana will die alone broke.

They don't deserve him.

Chad Opster: Works at Westwood

Virgin Worm: Sirius XM

The level of Opie love on here is sickening

Word of advice, buddy... Just leave it alone.

Get with the times, tool. The sub was wrong about Ope and is now quite rightly making amends for being so stupid.

Fuck off, hater.

You believe him?

Don’t forget; can articulate himself in a clear and concise manner.

I believe him. That whole station is full of nobody bums. Ope could walk straight back in there and be a big name asset.

Not worth the hassle for the Opster, gotta give him respect, he isn't a money-whore.

Opie and Scorch. Anthony and Bubba

Truth just really smacks y’all in the face huh?

Remember how they didn't think chicken alfredo was a thing, and bashed Scorch over it?


Fucking idiots.

Because of Ant’s pockmarks?
