"And then I stamped on her ribs because that's what she deserved!"

73  2018-09-15 by Mr_Nigel_Igger


In all fairness to Ant, I have never met a woman that didin't deserve a nice rib stomp.

Right? If he weren’t such human garbage, I’d actually like him for Ike turner ways

In all fairness, Dani has pretty stompable ribs

Yes, Anthony Cumia....a Family Values kind of man.

Well, her dad didn't give a shit when the drunken wop beat the shit out of her daughter, so you can kind of see why she ended up as a whore with a side job as a punching bag.

Stamped? Did he mail the bitch too?

You, sir, are funny.

Yeah I know

Family Values.

Didn't do nothing to nobody.

It looks like maybe the swollen face caused by alcohol abuse helps to hide the acne scars.

Nice dentures, stupid

Anthony looks like a realist interpretations of a meth addicted 'troll face'


"After all that, I was starving and just had to take a bite."


If Ant were caught in a house fire would we even be able to tell the difference?

Jesus Christ, look at where the side of his forehead ends

What's wrong with his ear?

Did he actually say that?

Ol' Melted Candle Head