What’s with Norton taking bathroom breaks every 20 minutes? Ends shows early, comes back from breaks very late, abruptly ends segments. Is this a serious medical condition or one of his phony phobias like his alcoholism?

69  2018-09-15 by SamRobertsSucks


Bladder cancer

Unprofessional radio host.

Colon cancer.

comedy cancer

it's Baby Boy Jim sending some message that only he understands or cares about

rectal cancer

Ass cancer

Tell us how it’s effecting you in any way possible?


Fuck me, lol.

gloryhole connected to both Andy Cohen's studio and Shade 45.

no wonder MbM's throat sounds so rough these days.

Butt cancer

Sphincter dystrophy. He's regaining his muscle movements by doing enema holds.

PrEP side effects.

yup. Not a joke, this is it.

I know.

also he may be taking laxatives to keep his weight down so he can maintain a slimmer (feminine) physique

Valid point. Also, what’s up DLS? How you been, sir?

im just a poster among posters friend

Fair enough. Well, we’re all fans of your work.

Faggot cancer aka AIDS.

It’s his workin out an eatin betta

Gahn ta' the jaim

le cancer du cul

Il a déjà le cancer d'la face

He’s making butt poops with his asshole.

Lazy baby boy.

Negotiating tactics

It's the effects of being subjected to Anal Annihilation by King Alan many times over.

Anixety over his upcoming firing

Its almost like if you're into a bunch of unhealthy shit and openly brag about it, it'll affect your health later on.


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He said on Rogan he couldn't go out on a boat because knowing he couldn't shit would make him have to shit. The man's not right.

Anal incontinence.....too much tranny cock.

He's beatin' his meat in there and he thinks about guys.

He holds his shit in and jerks off to stimulate the prostate. It's been discussed on the show before, I think. Wirh his egg white and toast diet he probably some thick logs too

He can't get off on simply shoving shit up his asshole. Everything down there that could be prodded and probed, he's done it. Metal rods up the pee hole. It's a constant burning, infectious, torn and scarred mass of flesh. An abomination.

More importantly, why are you still listening to this garbage?

Why does this question get repeated. If people didn't listen to any of this stuff, the sub would have died 4 years ago.

He's in recovery sir. Those Aste Spumante's back in High School were hard to kick


Prostrate Prolapse

Cancer of the anti-humorous bone

Or he’s using again.

what kind of people have to use the bathroom every 20 minutes? BAAABBYYY BOYYYYS

His organs are loose from being fucked by Nordic transvestites

His shit pussy been to’ up, dawlin’

it all goes down in them toilets

Maybe eating cialis like candy isn't good for the digestive system. I always wondered how he could not see dick pills as an addiction.

Morton strikes as a fellow who constantly has liquid shits.

Rectal prolapse

Probably a real bad coke habit, worm is always sweating and sniffing his nose constantly.

prep side effect (not joking)