throwback to nana getting asked about sue lightning on his gay gaming stream. he cut it all out of the stream..

60  2018-09-15 by diddlybooba


His pussy-ass fake chuckling and half-hearted attempts to "butch up" his cocksucker voice are actually kind of sad. He is an old gay man who has wasted his whole life trying to be something he's not. Poor Nana.

Missy is so obviously a beard for this old queen. Any time you see them together, whether it's in a video like this or one of his old tweets, they're so detached from each other. She's just like a prop he pays to be there to help convey that straight-talking, macho, conservative image he so craves.

It's probably a sweet deal for her though. Never has to do anything sexual with this hideous old fuck, just be available to pose in pictures when needed. In return she gets to spend nana's money and get free lodging.


lol at him trying to block people by right clicking and inspecting element

He was gonna click on the console, because Nana thought that would boot up her Xbox, ain't she cute?

Where's the obscurity feature on this thing keith!??

Nigga dress up like an astronauts to play video game.

I purposely avoided ever hearing Sue talk so I could tell myself that he at least probably sounds like a man. Thanks a lot, asshole.

She has a dulcet voice that would put angels to sleep.

Sure she can't bear our children but let's be honest, this place is a genetic graveyard anyway

Back when she did the AMA on here like 3 years ago, she absolutely did sound like a man.

Has science gone too far?

Ant and Sue will swap genders, and put the universe in order.

Even as a cat; Nana shouting "BEEEAVE!" must shudder through that little man to this day.

Aw you hurt nanas feelings, sure it ended him blacking out drunk than addressing it

Who ever pointed out what a nervous tick Nana yelling out “Beeeeev” is to avoid uncomfortable situations was spot on.

I'd marry sue and parade her around like a trophy wife.

you misspelled "husband"

Hahahahha, he cut it out?! Oh, I love how bothered this old man gets.

He banned me about 4 times from his twitch for doing the same


Sue is a tortured soul, but a golden one. She always comes off so differently outside the porn context. Those pornographers will pay for what they did to her.

I think they probably already did pay...

He sounds really limp wristed at the end when he uses his real voice to call out his cats name. What a fruit.

who's the thot

old doddering tranpa trying to show he still knows the computer and the video games