Keith was a dirty cop and CM is a means to launder money

149  2018-09-15 by USA_America_USA

Keith made connections and became part of some unlawful business venture while he was a cop. Someone he's involved with saw the potential for him to clean the money. because of his connection to anthony and saw an opportunity. They generate credit cards online and funnel the money through their paid subscriptions.


The platform, with its small listener base should not be able to turn a profit. When they left their streaming numbers up by accident, we saw that TACS was getting around 2k views maximum, while other shows were getting maybe 100 views each. Yet they're paying upwards of 75 employees while keith is buying yachts and going on swingers tours of fire island. Why the fuck would you partner with an ex cop to start a podcast network, in the first place.


Ant wants to stop broadcasting but he cant, because the business is necessary to keep the money coming. This is why the website is shitty, the shows are shitty and they don't give a fuck about their listeners. He doesn't give a fuck, and the show is just a mechanism to get money through.


We need to research this and bring down the criminal organization that is compound media. We need to have footage of anthony being dragged out of his house in cuffs while the boys in blue deposit portable hard drives into evidence bags.


This is the first viable theory I've read on CM not going belly up so far

There's one gaping whole in this theory though; Keith is far too stupid to do any of this. Nana's money will run out eventually, then we'll have another bit to laugh about here. Nice try with the theory though OP

Keith isn't the brains behind the operation. He's only involved because someone he used to work with saw the potential for this to work, and reached out to him.


Keith is mostly considered to be an idiot because compound media is run like a dumpster fire, and he speaks like a moron. But you don't have to be smart to be involved in shady shit. It's a lot easier when you were a semi-high ranking member of a corrupt organization (NYPD)

It's at least a possibility if there's more people involved i'll give you that, but I disagree that "you don't have to be smart to be involved in shady shit" - at least insofar as you can't be successful in the game if you are stupid. If he's laundering that amount of (presumably) drug money there are too many pitfalls/ways to fuck up to count. If Keith is involved in any illicit shit he's a small cog. Someone else might be using it to launder, maybe another ex cop or something, but doing what you propose in the OP requires conscientiousness, intelligence, organizational skills and consistency (as in never fucking up). Keith possesses none of these qualities. Selling drugs/shady shit is 'easy' if you are a bum making chump change handling small amounts of gear, it's certainly not easy to turn it into a profitable enterprise and keep it under the radar for so long. Just my 2 cents brotherman

All jokes aside, there's a pretty high level of responsibility entrusted to an NYPD sargent. Someone, at some point in time, thought that he was worthy of that level of responsibility. If anything, it's just someone that he knows who's using him.

Maybe brotherman, I like the theory; let's go to the callers and see what they think.

I can't believe someone would hire Keith either but aren't cops generally considered under-trained? It probably wasn't that hard to join the police force if you were a semi-retarded boomer like keith - he probably fit right in. And it's even worse now that they're employing fat mouthbreathers to catch crooks. No standards I tell ya.

Isn’t Keith the cuck related to Roy dimeo? Some connection there maybe

Roy DeMeo was Keith's uncle.

I find arrogance to be the most viable theory to CM limping along.

If Keith is collecting a pension already then that easily explains his boat. Retired NYPD Sergeants can easily rack up thousands in overtime. Couple that with a healthy pension and you're swimming in gravy.

He had also been doing security for some rich Saudi guy in NYC after he retired and before CM was a thing. Couple of us from Paltalk used to play COD with Keith on 360/XB1 a lot and he would talk about how much of a fucking mess the guy was but he said the job paid extremely well so it was worth it to put up with his shit.

Also keep in mind that banks and credit card companies are willing to let people get in way over their heads with credit. It's entirely possible Ant, Keith, and Compound Meida are all in a massive amount of debt that hasn't managed to catch up with them yet.

Also keep in mind that banks and credit card companies are willing to let people get in way over their heads with credit.

my bank wont stop calling me twice a fucking day because im 200 over my CC limit

beg to differ

My bank won't stop calling me to increase my limit from ten to twenty thousands. It's called giving them enough rope to hang themselves, and in your case you are already dangling.

im never paying that shit off lmfao i want to die with a 7 digit debt load

Good luck with that

I'm not reading all that shit, but it would explain how they're still in business and how they can make outrageous claims like having 100,000 subscribers.

I reported this months ago and was discredited. Keith is also battling an addiction with opiates

I thought Artie was gone

u/theprrattlesnake please confirm.

Typical Guinea criminals. They have the balls to complain about other minorities like themselves committing crimes. Send ‘em back to Sicily!

America for whites, Sicily for blacks.

Send those apes back to the trees, ship those Guineas back.

Well blacks have been here longer than most europeans and they have the balls to come over to the U.S., and claim that they are white so that they can treat negroes like shit and set up crime syndicates. Just saying.

By blacks, I meant Sicilians.


No I just really dislike people who claim to be white and use it to be shitty like Guineas and jews.

Fair, if true.

If you doubt they're doing well I think you're vastly underestimating the abject stupidity of most of the American people. I'd bet they're doing just fine.

They’re doing fine for two retirees cosplaying as broadcasters not expecting to make a profit.

Do you like Brother Joe's theme song, too?

IDK what it is. He has a show?

In 2014, a buddy looked into doing advertising on Compound when Anthony first started the network. She talked to Keith on the phone and he told her they had 30,000 subscribers. It seemed impressive. A little too impressive for a brand new network. They didn't buy it.


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Instead of paying for cameo videos, you should pay to advertise a productin cm and then file a lawsuit saying you purchased ads under false pretenses

They wanted like $1,000 for a couple of live reads and a banner, I can't remember how long of a time frame it would run for but it wasn't very long. I think a month. So do the math and you'll see how much deep discount shelled out. Also don't forget about the entire show where Nana did a dick enlargement infomerical. My biggest gripe is that I was a subscriber (not any more, haven't been for a long time) and I was paying for shitty content and ads.

I hate the way you spaced your paragraphs.

If operating at a loss is the goal, then they found the perfect front man in Keith.

I'm betting they make more money renting studio time than through subs. Still most likely a front for something though.

Keith is definitely one of those load POS cops who tripped going up some steps holding a calzone and claimed disability to retire young.

You could always compile your suspicions in an email and send it to the IRS.

You could always compile your suspicions in an email and send it to the IRS.

Their only sponsor is that retarded mob front site Deep Discount.

Would this explain the 100k subscriptions?

Deep discount is code for Feed Nana


We need a modern day "Sluuuurpico" to root out this evil. I nominate Karen from Philly.

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No I just really dislike people who claim to be white and use it to be shitty like Guineas and jews.