Less anorexic, funnier and less gay side kicks than Jim Norton.

25  2018-09-15 by RBuddCumia


Jesus Christ, dude. Even for this sub. Jesus Christ.

Now we know what Eugenia watches when she needs to send her lunch back up & out. Fucking hell.

Missy's looking happy

I was about to go to bed you cock sucker. That thing will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life.

I just looked at the thumbnail and almost puked.

FUCK!!! What a horrible nightmare of a life that must be. If I ever fathered that, I like to think I'd be able to do the merciful thing and hold it underwater.

Nice leftover Price is Right nametag, stupid

I'll admit The chemistry between Craig Ferguson and the robot was pretty funny. The guy who did the voice was pretty funny I'm self.

Josh Robert Thompson is a joy.

Hey Josh, it’s Joe Matarese. Come on, I’ll roast you for 10 bucks.

I'm begging ya

It's a little wordy, dawg.

Isnt the guy that plays him the one Porsalin got riled up pretending he was Joe Matarese?