The new Predator movie is fucking terrible

10  2018-09-14 by RelevantField

Weaponized Autism is literally a plot point.


tell us why its terrible you dope

Here's your hat whsts your hurry?

I hear the predator tells a joke, is that true?

Yes. He follows it with haha HOLY shit! then explodes.

His visor constantly scrolls black crime statistics

His red laser bean, instead of 3 dots, is the letter N.

If it tells the “my you have a big pussy joke”, i’m paying to see it

because he's wearing a bozo wig and cackles constantly?

Oh Anth's docu part 6 is released.

Woah buddy easy with all the details

I watched that last night and just turned off about an hour in. That fucking female character man. She's a better soldier than the soldiers, she's the preeminent evolutionary biologist of her age. All the characters including the sperg were one dimensional. No suspense like the first film -- which I love. Oh the Predators have doggos now which was pretty cool. They probably tell you why after I turned off but apparently the Predators have human DNA now.

Fucking predator dog shit awful do not watch.

I bet she was sassy and didn't take any guff from the guys.

Navy Seal: "Can you handle that, little lady?"

90lb scientist takes off glasses and puts them in her lab-coat pocket, picks up 200lb minigun and looks Navy Seal in the eye: "Crossfit, bitch."

Black guy: "Ohhhh shiiiiii... " explosion cuts off swearword to maintain PG13 rating

You should become a Hollywood writer.

The actress who plays her is on a self congratulatory victory tour for snitching on a male co-star (whose scenes were cut) who allegedly had a history of doing things that were contrary to metoo. This chick’s biggest claim to fame is being Aaron Rodgers’ beard for a brief stint.

Reaching levels of #bravery that shouldn't even be possible right now.

Damn. Thanks for the heads up brothaman

Olivia Munn is a haapa poison pill - enjoy this bit from noted rapist Bret Ratner:

“I used to date Olivia Munn … when she was Lisa,” said Ratner of Munn, née Lisa Munn. “That was the problem. She wasn’t Asian back then.” But Ranter didn’t stop there: “She was hanging out on my set of After the Sunset, I banged her a few times … but I forgot her,” he said. “Because she changed her name … I didn’t know it was the same person. So when she came and auditioned for me for a TV show, I forgot her, she got pissed off and she made up all these stories about me eating shrimp and masturbating in my trailer. And my shortcomings. She talked about my shortcomings. I get it. She’s bitter.”

Damn, I never considered eating shrimp while masturbating. This man lives like a God

Pretty sure he is not eating shrimp anymore.

I’m watching right now, holy shit it’s bad!!!! they have a group predators chasing an autistic kid who’s walking around trick or treating in a predator mask.

I’m going to see Mandy tomorrow fuck this shit.

It’s got an admirable amount of gory violence for a major studio release. On that level alone, it’s enjoyable to a degree. The creature is still cool to behold, after all these years. It’s too bad the story is such a mess.

Fans of the series may also recoil at how comedic it is. I don’t want humor from a Predator movie, but I still have to bestow credit for the handful of moments here, when a hearty chuckle was provided.

The moment Shane Black was announced as writer-director, it was clear that the franchise was going to take a hard turn. I disagree that the movie strives toward a Marvel level of jokiness. It’s “Black” humor, through and through.

Fans of the franchise really seem to be up in arms. This appears to be the “Last Jedi” of the series. Savor seeing the creature again while you still can, because the future of the property is highly uncertain with shitty Disney soon owning Fox. If it does come back, it’s guaranteed that the next project won’t lean this hard into its R-rating.

The violence was good. She was unbearable. We get it grrrrrrrl power!!!!!

The stupidest shit was they introduced these predator dogs, they shoot one in the head and it becomes what could only be described as retarded.

The fucking dog starts obeying and fetching and following the sexy doctor woman character.


And it fucking goes no where. The dog just sort of comes and goes the rest of the movie and does little to nothing important.

I couldn’t make it through the trailer without complete and thorough disgust at the ghetto attitude/“shitty comedy relief” script with the rap soundtrack for a GODDAMN PREDATOR FLICK! Fucking totally ruined it. Absolute garbage.

yea, for example, when they have Rap playing in a trailer for a movie about Jackie Robinson, something tells me they missed the point slightly.