A Much Better Parent Than u/KillaKuhn

10  2018-09-14 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


Literally. She is.

Baby is an infant and that crank head is already a skeleton. Meth body goals u/sams_seed?

For sure. She's badass too them things is heavy

Meth is doing all the work.

I gotta get me some of that. I always got along well with meth heads they're my people

Of course they are

If you're looking to be more paranoid and attract real attention from law enforcement, especially CPS, that's the drug for you!

meth helps you be 2 steps ahead of any plots against you

plus you never can grt poisoned cause you dont eat, or get snuck up on because you dont sleep

also your super horny when your on it, and get skinnier

makes sense why (((they))) wanna make it illegal.

you cant find one death thats from meth, or anyone ever “robbing a store” cause they were high on it

propaganda. they find people who pre existing mental illnesses and just happen to be on meth, then put that as the “norm”

disgusting media

Everybody thought that Sarah Connor was crazy, for a decade until the sequel (the greatest film sequel of all time, BTW, T2, IMHFO,, and I work in a DVD duplicating factory in Laos at the moment so I should know!).

A skinny deluded schizo with complex ideations of paranoia. She did pull ups. She told her story. She developed an umbilical hernia. They didn’t FUCKING BELIEVE her. I get it. She FOUGHT the medicine for years as her son, the messiah John Connor (JC2!) dicked around in arcades and playing with his faggy foster parents’ dog.

The 🐷 🐷 ‘s in Sarah’s unit ritually abuser and raped her. They were the first to go when her son, the savior of humanity, and his machine guardian arrived.

This crazy felonious but maternal bitch in the video reminds me of T2 era Sarah Connor, in a good way. Bless her for keeping her priorities str8.

Lovely plot

It’s actually a pretty spot on synopsis of a real classic, IIDSSM. If you haven’t seen it lately I’d also highly recommend. T2 is up there as one of the greatest artistic achievements of all time along with the paintings of Goya and Nas’s seminal illmatic, and it DOES also conveniently fit into this discussion.

At least she was actually being chased.

I gotta get me some of that. I always got along well with meth heads they're my people