Nia and Bill Burr chilling while on a hike.

286  2018-09-14 by RBuddCumia


i like it

I like you. ☺️


I'm gonna post this on the bill burr subreddit and see how quickly I get banned.

Watching this develop in real time is my obsession atm.

Wasn't a long one. Hope ya dont relapse

Yeah, I was hoping for a little more action. I guess I can go about my life now.

sorry man i did what i could

It's okay. Your character shined in that bit, you just had no support other than the "Burr isn't that pale" which was a good'n.


Did you get banned or just a post removal?

Post got removed/locked

We'd rather have no posts than funny insulting posts

Why are they such pussies over there? Why is Reddit such a fucking pussy website?

This post hurt my feelings. Please mod remove it

Remember in like 2012/2013 these faggots were obsessed with getting apologies out of people? Now they don't stop until their livelihoods are ruined. Sorry, that just reminded me...

Advertising. They sell it.

True. This is the only subreddit I've seen that has its own kind of culture outside of its subject matter (/r/MDE had that vibe, oddly enough, but it was obviously just a 4chan kinda thing).

For example, the Bill Burr reddit is people using his catchphrases endlessly and worshipping the man. Suffice to say, they're always extremely intolerant of any "negativity /toxicity".

The Norm subreddit was similar to the Burr one but during the latest controversy they seemed more similar to us.

The Norm subreddit is a collection of people writing jokes in Norm’s style, but without the wit.

thats every sub

(/r/MDE had that vibe, oddly enough, but it was obviously just a 4chan kinda thing).

once it got post 10k when sam started advertising it on his twitter bio

You ever look at the front page of reddit? It’s sickening. Anti-white propaganda and witty puns. These people are going to/are raising the next generation of children. Some poor kid is going to have a dad who is currently on cloud nine because he received reddit gold.

Not even a soundbar, but reddit gold!

I'm sitting at a nice minus 50ish for a comment I made expressing the hypocrisy of people losing their minds over "white-washing" but it's fine when historically White characters are changed to Asian/Black/Hispanic etc.

I sincerely wish this current mindset resulted in brain cancer.

Oddly enough most Facebook users (probably because it's Boomer Central at this point, so maybe not so odd) do not tolerate this shit and call it out on a regular basis. My wife tells me about ridiculous shit posted on the Cosmo page or whatever and how the comments are not having it at all.

they are a bunch of fuddy duds over there

I hope Bill falls just like Louis CK to where his only fans are us. They don’t deserve better

Conceited ginger faggots

Oh Jeezus. I actually am not the fondest of the Nia/monkey hate, but this was PFG.

But that's a big foot. You fucking racist.


One word checkmate. Damn, you're good.

I know it’s faggy when people say “I wish I can upvote this more than once” but I actually mean it this time.

It has me laughing more than i's an obvious joke but the visual is still getting me


Have two accounts?

Gotta be an old picture, Burr still has his hair.

Not to jerk off LoS but if this was the relationship context they would laugh their balls off at it. Either Bill sees it and backs the fuck away and doesn't mention it, or Nia ses it and ruins another mmp?

Wasn't the "Serena is a chimp" humor, the one that got the MDE sub banned? Hope the upper reddit fags don't get too touchy about this one.

None of the reddit admins are married to nia.

What's his name again? I remember it's a girl's first name plus an armenian sounding last name. Tiffany Malkavian? something like that.

Anyway, yeah, he's married to a nigger.

They have multiple reasons to hate this place and they are gunning for it regardless.

His wife is ugly LOL

Nope. Not Nia. Those feet are way too small.

lovely couple

Lavell Crawford is Grimace

I see the million dollar extreme people have settled in.

Bullshit. That looks nothing like Burr.

Hahahahahaha holeeeeeeee shit!!!

"FeedNana" - M.

No cleo

Yeti and Ronald sittin in a tree... How many Leprechauns do you see?