RapistWithAIDS origin story

111  2018-09-14 by Suibu


Man, this guy really hates Internet Blood Sports

will you leave him out of this he's suffered enough. The man hasn't been able to digest a decent meal in six weeks!


That's incel shit, just with "attention from women" replaced with "normal human shitting".

This is an incredibly astute comment.

It’s both a form of victimhood

Hahaha pussy

Try unmedicated childbirth, faggot

Try not getting pregnant so much, slut.

its the out of wedlock part thats the problem

Lotta problems in that womb

↑ Line of the day

Women grossly over exaggerate the pain of childbirth , as they tend to do with everything.

You know how a pussy feels snug around your thin little cock? It really surprised you that it would be painful to push an 8lb human full of bones through one?

This is true. New studies show that childbirth is a net pleasurable activity for most women.



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Don't you have a baby to abort?

Not your best.

Stop shitting out useless niggers, seriously.

Stop shitting out useless niggers, seriously. That's not some personal milestone.

"He was born of faggot..."

p.s. nice bowels, stupid.

I knew a guy with a similar chronic illness and he was likewise extremely dramatic and confrontational. He would make it sound like he resented that his personal philosophy didnt allow him to take his own life and then fight with people in his facebook comments when they tried to show him sympathy.

I used to fuck a girl in college who had IBS. She was a miserable, glum cunt too but at least she had an objectively perfect pair of tits and was down for pretty much anything in the sack. It's mostly women who get IBS. It's a woman's disease.

How was the anal?

Surprisingly drama free.

She was already used to little turds trying to slip past her sphincter.

Boy, I sure backed into that one while holding my ankles!

hoo hoo

A lot of times, people with IBS will go bouts of diarrhea and then bouts of constipation. Just need to find that sweet spot in the inbetween

Lubrication was not needed... Nor desired.

Leland Stevenson had relations with a drunk underaged girl passed out in a radio studio in 2004.

Ewww. No wonder he changed his name to James Norton.

The OP is correct, I made this post. I tried really hard to make sure nobody would find it, and I did this by posting it from the rapistwithAIDS account, the post history of which anyone can search at any time

I appreciate the sympathy I’ve been getting, but I don’t actually have IBS, I just thought I did for a one week period because I had a bad reaction to I&J brand crumbed squid and am a self diagnosing hypochondriac. I never had bowel problems before or since that week, which is why I never posted in that subreddit before or since

BUT, if I did actually have IBS, it would not even slightly alter the fact that I am the alpha male of this subreddit and superior to all of you. My hatred of you has everything to do with you and nothing to do with my own life. It is objective and empirically provable that you are all inferior and deserve to die, completely independent of the personal bias of any observer. I have offered irrefutable proof of this many times over

I don’t blame you for taking that post at face value, but anyone who chooses to ignore this updated clarification will be held fully accountable

Hahaha this post is being downvoted

What’s the matter, cowards

Did I ruin your emotionally necessary belief that you had something over me

You want to believe that I have IBS

Finding out that I don’t have IBS is psychologically disappointing for you

This is irrefutable proof of my status as objectively superior alpha male, you would not feel this way emotionally if I wasn’t

I always have and always will be the winner. Nature’s laws decided it at the beginning of time

It is impossible for me to not win

Posted from a van that smells like shit. I win and it feels so damn good.

you should eat nothing but cheese like an astronaut babes.

Nice skidmarked panties, stupid.

I don’t have IBS and I’ve never had skidmarks, nor do I wear women’s underwear

I believe you babe, have you tried buscopan?

The fact that you have an emotional need to believe something compromising about me is true is proof of my psychological dominance over you

You would not feel that psychological need toward someone you see as below you

just trying to help babe.

have you tried doing ass kegel exercises so you don't shit ya'self so often?

Reality didn’t meet your psychological needs so you had to resort to pretending

calm down, don't shit ya'self

Funny that you're proud of ranting like a little bitch after experiencing only a week of some moderate discomfort.

I didn’t say I was proud of it, though hypochondria does show high self esteem and self care which is an admirable trait

I’m proud that I have such a profound psychological affect on other males that two separate subreddits had threads with hundreds of replies and upvotes gleefully celebrating their belief that I have IBS, because believing they had discovered something compromising about their tormentor was such a huge psychological relief for them, which is a testament to my power

So then forcing your rapid and detailed reply with a quick one liner is a testament to my power over you.

Nice to know, thanks.

No, that’s incorrect

You didn’t “force” anything, I corrected you because you were wrong

I wasn't wrong about you ranting like a little bitch.

You absolutely ranted like a little bitch.

And now you've admitted to being my little bitch.

Sigh, okay..

Hahahaha I forced you to reply with three separate sentences like a little bitch, I own you, you just admitted to being my bitch

How does it feel to be my sexual property, you even took the time to type a full stop to each sentence you absolute cum slave

Typical of a Stockholm syndrome coping mechanism, taking on the persona of your overlord.

Aww baby boy has a week of the tumtum owwies and decided to curse all of humanity for his slight inconvenience of mild discomfort by whining to an online support group?

You sound alpha as fuck, my dude.

No, my hatred of humanity is my default position, it was before I thought I had IBS and it has been since

Lies, you're a pant-pooping disgrace.

I don’t soil myself

Anymore than the average Tony Curtis.

Way to get diarrhea from dairy products, stupid

fact, only white people have lactose tolerance

Lactose is for queers.

What about cheese

Good aged cheese doesn't have it in large amounts

I like a good lactose.

Hey Earl, we got any lactose back there?

Fresh out, boss.

Okay Bogeby

Southeast Asians are white people too, so you’re right.

Whatever don’t come here for facts you Asian flush having mug

I have a feeling most blacks die around 50. Is this true?

Bland white people food = not having half a salt shaker in every dish.

fact, niggers drink cow piss.

Much like Maynard's wrestling confessions blog post, this never gets old #SensibleChuckle

That post is so bad though, the only thing Maynard’s post compares to is chickenfan

I'm convinced that pitiful weeb was LoouisCucK, impotently attempting an Erik.

I think he's that SaraLinn person too.

Emily pre-dates that particular silliness. With the exponential growth - 20 to 25 per cent more sub's- of the last year, there have arrived many more unwholesome voices.

How good was the chickenfan week. I giggled like a retarded baby.

So it is you.

Lol, I do care more about my Hulk Hands than I do this nigga's colon.

IBS is a real thing, but for O&A sub members?

Just quit drinking so much, asshole. Diarrhea is a symptom of advanced alcoholism.

he also lives in a van, so he's definitely just an angry pants shitting drunk

i made a solid doodoo 2 days in a row today im very proud

I’m proud of you too.

Yup, Budweiser is worse than coffee.

I was just thinking the same thing while I was shitting for the 8th time today. No blood today. Today is a good day.

/u/Bick_Bickerson clone account detected

Who the fuck is that?

This sub's honorary fat fuck, that's who. Single-handedly consumed all of Porsalin's happiness. This week's punching bag.

Pretty sure that cunt used to talk shit to me. Dude gets made fun of for a few days and tucks his tail and runs. Some of the people in this place are such thin skinned queers, it's hilarious

Oh now I get it. But if you think I’m him, your fucking dumb.

Ibs is a bullshit diagnosis, it comes down to drinking alcohol and usually food allergies. ibd is the disease that can end with you having to remove your rectum.

/u/Rapistwithaids it me up on pm if you wanna talk about it. I'm in general medicine but I always liked Gastro and treat patients with ibs daily.

IBS for me was due to wheat products. Pizza, beer, bread and the main killer was chicken fingers. I had half of sam roberts diet and my body was telling me to knock it off. Now Im good by switching breas to lettuce for my sammiches and eat a lot more fiber. IBS is something you can ger rid of within 3 days of switching your diet

Isn't IBS basically a catch-all gastro diagnosis when they can't figure out what's wrong?

Yes, syndrome is a collection of symptoms. They give you the diagnosis when they can't find anything on the colonoscopy. Usually it's related to gluten allergi ie celiac disease or other food allergies. Some even theorize it's due to food conservatives that people have an allergy to. It's not an actual disease and the criteria for it is kinda bullshitty


my understanding is that it's an "autoimmune disorder", no?

No thats IBD.

ah my bad...you a doctor or something pal?

Panera bread health inspector

so IBS is actually preferable?

Very, IBD requires an complete resection of the rectum at times, usually when you have ulcerative colitis. They literally tear you a new asshole

You know anything about 'fissures'? Asking for a buddy of mine.

If it start fucking with your ability to hold a shit go aee a doctor

I have irritable down system, can you help me?

food conservatives

yep, that right-wing food.

God damn libcuck Android keypad

Admit that you just really like shit.

My finger is up old man ass everyday I might aswell be a fuckin frocio ovah heeere

"That shit made him kill himself" haaa get it

Yeah that's it, the whole world is against you because your colon is grumpy.

No wonder that guy is such a miserable cunt.

"The hatred I have for this callous, cold, shallow, hyopcritical world is the only catharsis I feel within the prison of physical pain I'm trapped in"

Sounds like a batman villain

It almost reads like a suicide note.

Ever read the suicide note Kurt Cobain left behind? The same vitriolic, all-encompassing hatred of humans in general.

Except we all want rapist to do it

He really IS the needle to our balloon, isn't he?

He's our own Danny Ross.



Well that's shitty.



And here I was thinking he was so angry because he was a raging faggot. Don't I have egg on my face now!

That's semen, sir.

How the fuck do you post in other subs with the name rapistwithaids?

He rapes, and leaves a little gift

You have no idea how many times I had a great comment written only to realize.

What a faggot. Nice victimization, stupid.

They have a way of curing IBS by taking fecal matter from a healthy user and inserting it in your colon. The theory is that it repopulates healthy bacteria.

Ironically he has a disease cured by doing the opposite of what Jim does.

Most diseases are cured by doing the opposite of what Jim does

Looks like he shame-deleted the post. Nice leaky asshole, stupid.

Tummy troubles and a pooh-pooh problem?

That'll make anyone grumpy.

Poor little fella.

Just get a poop purse and be done with your failing guts.

Sounds like a crypto commie faggot with a greasy anus.

Go primal

Oh boo hoo, my ass hurts yet people drive Ferraris.

So he's the son in What About Bob? all grown up

What a pussy. Talk to me about chronic pain, pansy. I deal with enough to kill most men and I have my shit together. Stop pretending to be some dark, pained misanthrope - you're just a cunt. Worse yet, a cunt who makes excuses while playing internet tough guy.

What ails you, friend?

From what? Get well soon bro

The only pleasure he derives from this world is listening to 1980’s bands like Ratt, Dokken, Kiss & White Lion. I think I’d hate the world too if this was my only passion life when not shitting myself.

Society lied to me so I'm strapped with the metal Push ya middle finger up nigga if you a rebel

Mr. Smelly pants

Nice Sopranos reference faggot.

It's true that regular, brutal anal rape is the leading cause of IBS, in case anyone's wondering.


What a loser.

So anybody ever involved with the O&A universe even as a fan are all fucking losers, right?

I know I am

Me too, me too!!!

try heroin

stinks get out of here

no way jose

You're even more of a faggot than I thought, RapistWithAIDS.

RapistWithIBS. Dude, just go shit. No big deal

WOW RAPISTWITHAIDS is a horribly depressed guy that is angry at humanity because his tummy hurts and he's genetic trash? Who woulda ever guessed anything like that. Also RIP RAPISTWITHAIDS. There Is a theme around here that the members of this sub with the most clear cut miserable existences tend to delete their accounts the minute they reveal anything about themselves or post anything that could have their edgy and bad ass anonymous reputations tarnished. This username will be deleted within a week

The lil fella is so full of impotent rage that even his own bowl is irritated by him.

Watch who you dox, he's a part of the Gang Who Couldn't Shit Straight.

"If you have any kind of painful condition and don't hate humanity you have no self respect"


BOOO HOOO that's pure self-pity, hating humanity and completely absolving yourself of any responsibility to get anything out of life. That's fine if you're lazy and don't want anything out of life, but don't hate the 7 billion other people on this planet because you're disadvantaged with stomach cramps and liquid shit. There are human torsos begging on subway platforms with a cheerier attitude than this cunt.

That post is so bad though, the only thing Maynard’s post compares to is chickenfan

I'm convinced that pitiful weeb was LoouisCucK, impotently attempting an Erik.

How good was the chickenfan week. I giggled like a retarded baby.

Panera bread health inspector

Whatever don’t come here for facts you Asian flush having mug

Very, IBD requires an complete resection of the rectum at times, usually when you have ulcerative colitis. They literally tear you a new asshole

Reality didn’t meet your psychological needs so you had to resort to pretending

calm down, don't shit ya'self

Ewww. No wonder he changed his name to James Norton.