Something peculiar about Jim Norton:

46  2018-09-14 by RBuddCumia

Anyone remember how he stated he would never be alone with a child; from fear of them accusing him of doing something perverted? Who fears this type of thing if they don’t sexualize children? It sounds like something Uncle Paul would be afraid of.



Chris "Pepper Hicks" Stanley has repeatedly stated the same thing, and we know he is a kid toucher.

Is he actually?


Damn, was he going for the Tony Clifton look on porpose?

While I don’t have a “policy” against being alone with children, that stuff does cross my mind. For instance, several years ago I was in a restaurant bathroom. In one of the stalls I heard the door rustling and a kid (sounded maybe 8??) sort of whining like he couldn’t get the door open and was trapped in the stall. I think he even said “help.”

Briefly, I considered helping him, but then I thought how it might look if someone came in and I was trying to break into the stall door where a kid was.

is this why child rapists can get away with so much?

I would have soaked some paper towels and belted them at the kid over the top of the stall.

This is the reason why I was afraid of shitting in public restrooms for the longest time. Kids would do this all the time in high school. I loffed when it was happening but I could never participate because it seemed so cruel.

Uhhh... this shit does happen though...



The man has a point

Suuuuurrreee...I've been a victim of the conspiracy 37 times myself.

If you “enjoy” being around kids (especially ones that aren’t related to you) you’re either a woman or a creep.

No, not really. Unless you really have some deep seated perversion it doesn’t come to mind.

Or you're living in a jew influenced society

What kind of bizarre bubble do you have to live in where this is a legitimate fear to have.


Remember Norton's 'Cribs' video, his house was full of Hello Kitty shit. What guy in their 30s has a single Hello Kitty item not to mention multiple items.

he also had silverfish bugs on his wall and black mold....but its ok he bough folding chairs for dinner party and threw them out immediately after.

He's way too devoted to the uncle paul character for it to not be at least somewhat based in reality. It explains why he's so forgiving of ant being a pedophile too. It's like how I make jokes about being gay because in reality I'm a huge faggot.

What about his encrypted hard drive? Who legit has one of those that isn't up to nefarious shit?

It's because Jim spent hours a day with an actual honest to goodness pedophile.

I'm a man and I never worry about that shit. I work with children, and am often in a room alone with them. And it barely ever crosses my mind. Because I'm not a sex obsessed worm.

Good luck with that shit. Kids are on YouTube telling other kids to claim they got touched by teachers they don't like over a bad grade or some bullshit.


I heard about it on Ron & Fez circa 2014.


Damn, was he going for the Tony Clifton look on porpose?