what a fucking retard

0  2018-09-14 by RelevantField


Nice thread, faggot.

Drumpf is so dummmmb.

lolololololol He's organge and has small hands! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😃😂😂😂

fawwkking buried him!

He will never recover from these slams! #RESISTANCE It was HER turn!

And he'll be performing at Comix Mohegan Sun, CT. This Friday & Saturday.

Hurricanes are “big and wet”

Missing the reference.

this isnt the sub youre looking for


Also it's just a sensible, simple message from the President. What would a genius President have said in your mind?

Prob just encourage people to evacuate and assure them that aid workers are prepared and not bother mentioning “there is gonna be a lot of water” because no shit...

He encouraged people to evacuate and assured them that aid workers were prepared. It's amazing how petty most of the criticism of the guy is.

I know he did.. I said say that and leave out the “there’s gonna be a lot of water” because that is weird.. that’s like telling people “it’s gonna be windy” when a tornado is coming.

I read your comment before your edit but if you think that the water comment is anything significant or worth even mentioning you're insane, stupid or a partisan fanatic. Who cares?

I didn’t edit my comment...


You do realize where the storm will be hitting right? it's necessary to talk to all those geezers, niggers and Mexicans in baby language

It's amazing how defensive you guys get with this shit. You can admit he's a clown but still also like his policy.

Oh I admit he is a lunatic but I would still vote for him. I just don't see how this video makes him a retard.

This is where we're all supposed to high five and laugh, right?

He's an idiot & if you voted for him, you should be embarrassed.

Like totally. Faggot.

My portfolio’s value increased by 12% since this dude took office, I could give two shits what he says. Keep banging porn stars and getting those NDAs signed if that’s what you need to get thru the week Don.

I hate him as a human, and most of his policies.

But I reluctantly admit what he did to our politics and political system will end up being for the best

Stupid president warning people about a hurricane!

Your posting this on the wrong sub you fucking retard.

Go post this on r/video or r/PoliticalHumor you self-righteous cunt. This isn't the place for your weak shit

Feed Nana
