What are you going to do? Spin records?

13  2018-09-14 by dugoutdougradio

This quote has not held up well.


Thanks for telling me at 2:30 in the morning

it's 10:30 in the morning


Neither of them came out of this well.

The two people with the best careers going forward are Jimmy and to a lesser extent Sam.

It's got to drive them both crazy.

None of their careers will survive our pH balance

What are you gonna do? Rant about blacks in front of a green screen for an audience of 150 people?

What Ant never brings up and what dozens of interns and guests have said over the years is that O&A burned a lot of bridges in radio. It wasn't a suprise nobody wanted to hire any of them. Radio is still out of touch however so if they still were together i would've bet somebody would've thrown money at them for the name-sake. But other than that, they were probably blacklisted from a lot of radio-companies.