You British fags maybe gay but at least you left that faggot EU

25  2018-09-13 by Single_Action_Army

Meme-banning cocksuckas


May be, not maybe. Cunt.


May be = might be, maybe = perhaps.

Just think next time you awful man

Can’t we all just get along?

Not whilst some are wallowing in grammatical sewer

Can’t we all just get a long?


A nigger wouldn't be able to comprehend moderate levels of grammar, but a nigger would disregard someone trying to teach him grammar, nigger.

"brevity is the soil of wit" - George Orwell (Eric Blair)

Grab the popcorn cuz the Central Europeans are going to war with the EU soon.

communists trying to seize the memes of production.

Comment of the day

They haven't, haven't you heard, in the free democratic world the politicians is still refusing to heed to the people's vote. They haven't left yet.

They can't afford to leave.

Or care enough to keep up the appearances of being a democracy.


Memes are very gay

They can't afford to leave.