What an unfunny cunt Hannah Gadsby is.

142  2018-09-13 by RBuddCumia


God bless a comedian with balls that will attack that fucking humorless dyke.

real ass dude

Got bad at-ti-tude

He’s a comedian?

Post-comedy world

We're fawkin comedy outlaws n shit dvv dvv

Bret Easton Ellis stated calling, what we are currently living in, "post-empire". And he started that close to a decade ago.

We're all civilians now

How is what she did not targeted harassment

Good point. I’m on it.

Hope you're joking. They wouldn't dare suspend one of their own.

If she comes to America we band together and toss bricks at her on stage

She'll be the one throwing up bricks.

How much is an assassin? Someone start an indiegogo.

Man. Luis is lighting them up lately. Good for him.

I hope I'm not telling tales out of school here but I think Norms a better comic than this hannah dude

Way to judge someone you claim to have never heard of. Very progressive thunder thighs.

I'm ready for armed revolution, this attack on comedy is the breaking point.

We need a Peoples of Comedy revolution.

And Che is our Castro?

Guess you haven't read the "capture and death" part of Che's wiki.

"the peasants do not give us any help, and they are turning into informers."

Norm also isn't funny.

Comedy has been dead for years. This might be tough to swallow for fans of a 4 year defunct shock jock radio show, but Hannah Gadsby is the future AND the present. Edgy Louis is never coming back. Norm will be ignored if not sacrificed by Netflix. Colin Quinn has accepted his fate as a niche comic that doesn't even do standup anymore.

The world is gay and it sucks. It will never get better. Make sure anything you want to listen to, or might ever want to revisit, is on a hard drive. Old O&A will disappear or be downgraded in google if not removed for hate speech. The people who appreciate the humor enough to archive it will grow old and in their 40's and die. Protect your bubble. The world is progressive and will never concede any power back to those who make fun of anything or anyone.

Q predicted this.

She’s leading the armed revolution. Did you see the size of that dyke’s triceps?

Disgusting dyke

"clapter" when a comedian says some shit that gets a clap break instead of laughs. Get used to it cause this shit is on the crazy fucking rise right now.


It's comedy for people without a sense of humor.

Patrice reviewing country music remains one of the best things I've ever heard.

nah hes a good guy

Imagine claiming to be a comedian and not knowing who Norm MacDonald is.

She's not a comedian, she's a clapter artist.

Fuck John Stewart for starting all this shit in the 00s. You aren't allowed to be funny anymore, you just say "woke" things and mug at the camera.

George Clarin and Bill Hicks were doing it decades ago. Not as unfunny, but those were still shows designed to get the audience clapping, rather than laughing

I thought Carlin was a hack back then and am consistently reminded of why I felt that way every time some faggot posts one of his quotes overlaid on his image making the typical wide-eyed, palms open, incredulous Carlin face.

Isn't a dickbiscuit a vagina?

N A N E T T E has spoken

Powerful Luis J Gamez

Who's never heard of Norm?

Fortunate people.



Professional cunt drier

You are responsible for your own orgasm honey.

Haha, fair enough guy

I'm not your guy buddy.

I wish that all the rapes and assault she made up for attention actually happened

What are you talking about "made up"? Rapists always go after refrigerator shaped, man faced dykes.

Why would anyone rape that thing?

I don't really get what Luis is saying here but I'm on his side

He's saying that there's no way a comedian doesn't know norm. So clearly the fat dyke is trolling for attention.

His content is typically on the cerebral end of the comedy spectrum. Keep reading/listening and you'll get it.

I've only heard of that cunt from people making fun of her on some podcast. I refuse to look any further into her.

So she never heard of Norm because she didn't want to comment about him? What the fuck is she trying to say? And how can somebody whose job is to communicate be so bad at it?

Norm said that’d he’d never seen Nanette cause he didn’t want to comment on it. Then he said it wasn’t comedy. That being said, I hate this cunt. Hannah. Not Luis.

It's still a false equivalence. He's saying "I never saw Nanette, but as I understand it she says that comedy doesn't need to be funny. I disagree, that just makes it a one-woman show, which doesn't mean it's bad."

Relatively thoughtful take.

Gadsby just said "I never heard of Norm so FUCK HIM!"

Not a thoughtful response; a stupid and cunty one, in fact.


Way to appropriate the humor of men from like 15 years ago. Remember when speaking snarky and sarcastic was like an asshole dude thing to do? Somewhere along the way it became more of a sensitive bitchy womanly liberal type thing to do and saying corny shit like DICK BISCUIT and ASS CLOWN and DOUCHE NOZZLE and other such wacky inventive creative whimsical phrases to insult and chortle at heartily in bitter, defensive, emotional misery of knowing you are incompetent, insufficient, and incapable of being a provider for yourself let alone others.

u/luisjgomez real ass spic.

she words it weird, like the reason she has not heard about him is because she did not want to comment on him. so somehow not wanting to comment on a person made her not know about them. so if she did want to comment on Norm then that would have made her know about him.

she is a stupid cunt

Pretty ironic Tweet considering nobody knows who Hannah Gadsby is in the comedy world.

I'm more annoyed that comics keep talking about her (him? they? it?)


I would have no idea she exists if it wasn't for comedians constantly talking about her

After the LOS riff on her special I can't read her stuff without that "about to cry"/warbling noise. "worda~ah lorda~ah sheet"


wouldn't mind seeing Gomez go toe-to-toe with the Incredible Shrieking Dyke in a steel cage match

What is it about her that makes all the men in this sub feel so inadequate

Norm said that’d he’d never seen Nanette cause he didn’t want to comment on it. Then he said it wasn’t comedy. That being said, I hate this cunt. Hannah. Not Luis.

It's still a false equivalence. He's saying "I never saw Nanette, but as I understand it she says that comedy doesn't need to be funny. I disagree, that just makes it a one-woman show, which doesn't mean it's bad."

Relatively thoughtful take.

Gadsby just said "I never heard of Norm so FUCK HIM!"

Not a thoughtful response; a stupid and cunty one, in fact.