An uglier picture does not exist

0  2018-09-13 by lolercakesmcgee


I can't decide who I hate more, Vic for being the pandering pussy that he is, or Sherrod for just being himself.

CrossFit, bro.

My ass. I doubt Sherrod could do more than a few pull ups, if even one.

Crossfitters dont do pull ups.

Yah if yuh don’t do them military style and then blow each other afterwards they don’t count amirite

Found the crossfitter.

Kipping is 99% momentum.

Wow Joe Devito was a double agent this whole time

As awful as it is, it looks like GQ compared to poker night at the compound.

look at the Cubans shoes. They must give him four inches.

The Opester is looking great, but the rest are schlubs.

That's the face of a man who knows he won.

Opie, looking like a model as always

why is every o&a universe person a dwarf but patrice and louie

opie is 5'10

Is that a gay Jew with tattoos next to Sherrod?

You read my mind.

With a different background it could be a still from a documentary about gays battling AIDS by eating furiously and drinking a whole lot of beer. Or a poster for Dorknesty International.