Bonnie McFarlane is soooo bitter.

3  2018-09-13 by 399may

This unfunny entitled hack probably cries everyday in the shower. She thinks she got dealt a bad hand in her profession because she is a bitch it’s cause you’re not funny. Though I did enjoy her on OnA. But even though I despise De Rosa, remember that hissy got she was throwing on set too.

Ugh she’s soooo bitter. Where does she get all this entitlement? Aren’t Canadians laid back?



She grew up in a frozen barn or something.

She ingest rich vos ejaculate ......okaay

The funniest thing Bonnie ever said was to DeRosa, while he was choking up/sniffing at Patrice’s funeral “You have a cold?”

Pat Dixon did us all a huge favor by making a joke and having her storm out, dragging Rich in her wake. What a bore.

The only thing she is good at is reading voice overs for